Author Topic: Agenda 21: Cancel Culture on a World-wide Scale  (Read 60 times)

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Agenda 21: Cancel Culture on a World-wide Scale
« on: September 17, 2021, 01:51:13 am »
American Policy Center by Kathleen Marquardt 9/16/2021

Since 1992, we, at American Policy Center have been pointing out that one of the major goals of Agenda21/Sustainable Development is to reduce the human population by over 90%. Yet many laugh and call us conspiracy theorists. What I don’t understand about this statement is that we had been hearing for decades that the world is overpopulated; that we will run out of space and room for everyone; that we can’t feed so many. At the same time that we were reading Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb and Population Explosion and the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, America was being called the breadbasket of the world. Of the world! We were sending food all over the world to feed people. So, the problem was not about feeding us dirty hordes of skeptical people. It was, and is, that some of us – especially Americans – believe in the right to property and liberty, which prevents the globalist cabal from just taking all the land they want, reducing the whole world’s population by some 90+%, and living in “Marxist Nirvana” (contradiction of terms notwithstanding).

But because we never stopped saying that this catastrophic reduction of humans on the earth was a major part of the plan, we were seen as nut cases since, by then, they had already either got people to believe in their catastrophic scenario or because many more didn’t think a reduction was going happen. Nevertheless, the globalists have been using many methods to reduce the population for decades, but none as huge as COVID. Remember the Tuskegee Experiment from 1932 to 1972? For 40 years the goal was to “observe the natural history of untreated syphilis” in black populations, but the subjects were completely unaware and were instead told they were receiving treatment for bad blood when in fact, they received no treatment at all. And the Gates Foundation putting birth control meds in vaccines in Africa?

Then there is the fact that every day in the United States, abortions kill more humans than were killed in the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. That is a substantial number, no matter what your view is on abortion. I would love to go into the Food Pyramid, school lunch programs, and others to show how the general populace is being lied to about health and diet. But I’m not. I do suggest that, if you are interested, check out Bedrock Living or Natural News.

Now, Bill Gates and the Chinese have bought up a great deal of America’s farmland. This globalist acquisition of farm and ranch land has also been in the works for years, but in the past few years, it has been accelerated greatly. Excuse me if I suppose that their aim is to starve us Americans to death – or capitulation (I expect it to be a lot of the former and a little of the latter). America is the only truly free nation in the world with a constitution that was written to protect the individual and his/her God-given rights – from other people and, especially, from the government.

The sad thing is that we are not – yet – leading the revolt against all the unconstitutional laws, edicts, and orders being levied on us and most of the world. I see three reasons for this:

•   Most of the population under 40 has been brainwashed and dumbed down in our education system that was set up for that very reason. (See Cancel Culture on Education.)[1]

•   The asymmetrical warfare we have been under attack from for decades is now on overdrive and many people are having a hard time coping with it psychologically.

•   Many, who do understand at least some of the problem, do not understand that we are in a mind-war, not an arms war, and they are waiting until they can begin firing. By the time we reach that stage, it will either be too late, or that the civil war to help erase a great number of us will have begun – either by provoking patriots who are itching for a fight, or for staging red flag events to precipitate the war. And this will help reduce the human population, whatever is used to ignite it.

So what I want to address are the reasons behind the reduction of the human population, who are instigating and carrying it out, and how it is being done.
