Author Topic: Mark Milley And His Ilk Are Disgracing The U.S. Military To The Entire World  (Read 1343 times)

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 Mark Milley And His Ilk Are Disgracing The U.S. Military To The Entire World

Gen. Mark Milley’s abhorrent behavior is a symptom of a greater problem: an elite class that thinks itself above accountability and the norms of American democracy.

September 16, 2021 By Jenna Stocker

Excerpts from the new book “Peril,” by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward and national political correspondent Robert Costa, revealed Tuesday that Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, secretly called his Chinese counterpart Gen. Li Zuocheng to assure him the United States would not initiate an armed conflict. The authors did not disclose the source of the phone calls, but if true, this is an egregious case of dereliction of duty and in line with the modern military’s turn from a machine of war to an institution infatuated with its elitism and filled with disdain for the Americans who make up its ranks.

The last institution Americans regarded with respect, the last haven beyond rank political division, has finally revealed the last betrayal of American trust. And we shouldn’t be surprised.

Today we encounter a military consumed not with real threats from our real enemies in China, but, as Milley stated in his testimony before the House Armed Services Committee in June, too interested in understanding “white rage.” His desire to assure Congress of his commitment to delve into the politics of critical race theory undermines the long-held and crucial doctrine of military cohesion without regard to race, class, or religion.

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