Author Topic: Informal Institute for National Security Thinkers and Practitioners (9/15)  (Read 80 times)

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Informal Institute for National Security Thinkers and Practitioners

Quotes of the Day:

    "Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket."

    - Eric Hoffer

    "The sad reality is that America's armed forces suffer from three intrinsic political vulnerabilities: they're very expensive, they're readily available, and they're both versatile and robust. They therefore invite serial application to tasks for which they weren't designed. That they have little choice in the matter doesn't make that persistent misuse any less painful."

    - Richard Sinnreich

    “Strategic warriors operate much differently. They think ahead toward their long-term goals, decide which fights to avoid and which are inevitable, know how to control and channel their emotions. When forced to fight, they do so with indirection and subtle maneuver, making their manipulations hard to trace. In this way they can maintain the peaceful exterior so cherished in these political times.”

    - Robert Greene, The 33 Strategies of War

1. Milley warned defense leaders that Trump could order an unwarranted nuke strike: book
2. New York Times and Washington Post investigations cast doubt on Pentagon's account of Kabul drone strike
3. Stanford professors urge U.S. to end program looking for Chinese spies in academia
4. Beyond Alliance Repair: Biden Must Do More in the Indo-Pacific
5. The Subprime Strategy Crisis: Failed Strategic Assessment in Afghanistan
6. John Arquilla on the New Challenge of Cyberwarfare
7. Our veterans are still suffering | Opinion (Rubio and Gillibrand)
8.  The final scramble out of Kabul required skills only commandos have, special-ops veterans say
9. The US isn’t ready for the new national security risks of clean energy
10. Backing the Wrong Horses: American Blowback From Vietnam to Afghanistan
11. ‘Exclusive Cliques’: China Lashes Out at Upcoming Quad Meet
12. How the Army's elite Delta Force pulled off a record-setting mission against the Taliban only weeks after 9/11
13. Senate Republicans blast Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal as ‘disaster’ after classified session with top general
14. Then-CIA director Gina Haspel said the US was 'on the way to a right-wing coup' after Trump lost the election: book
15. The Marines Are Copying the Air Force's Efforts to Counter Online Disinformation