Author Topic: Liberal Author Behind ‘Demographics Is Destiny’ Narrative Has Bad News For Democrats: You Blew It  (Read 69 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Legal Insurrection 9/5/2021

Ruy Teixeira: “these Hispanic voting trends have not been favorable for the Democrats”

Ruy Teixeira, the political scientist behind the much-lauded (and much-maligned) leftist mantra that “demographics is destiny,” has some bad news for today’s Democrats: not only do they still need white, particularly working class, voters, but their radical leftist socio-cultural and economic agenda is turning off too many Latino and Hispanic voters for their ‘demographic destiny’ to manifest.

Back in 2002, Teixeira co-penned a love letter to Democrats—The Emerging Democratic Majority—in which he argued that America’s shifting demographics would result in a perpetual Democrat majority for decades to come, maybe forever. If only those dastardly whites could be replaced with and outnumbered by Latinos and Hispanics, the totalitarian progressive utopia would be a lock.

Democrats and their media lapdogs latched onto this narrative as if it were the Holy Grail. “Demographics is destiny,” they mindlessly chanted. All we need are millions of illegal aliens flooding the country from Central and South America, amnesty for them all, and we have the demographic key to an anti- and unAmerican commie utopia. It’s going to happen, they breathlessly declared. The arc of history, they solemnly intoned at the altar of “demographics is destiny,” tells us so! And stuff.

That was always a load of fantastical drivel, but it empowered leftists and communists like Bernie Sanders and other once-fringe elements of the Democrat party to push ever leftward. Socially, culturally, economically, and politically, they were going to rule over and ‘fundamentally transform’ the country. It was destined by demography.  Suddenly, there were no boundaries, every half-baked radical leftist lunacy was suddenly on the table.

Open borders! Amnesty for all! Defund the police! Abolish prisons! Abortion on demand up to actual birth! America sucks! Capitalism is racist! Destroy American energy independence! Undermine the family unit! Tax relentlessly and spend frivolously! Down with opportunity and the rule of law! Up with lawlessness and race-based segregation! History didn’t happen! There are fifty-eleven genders! Property ownership is fascist! Mothers are “birthing people” and men need free tampons! Facts must be subjugated to feelz! Shut up!

America was their oyster, and they were going to tax it, control it, debase and humiliate it. They were going to cut that hated, despised, racist America down to size!

Teixeira has watched it all, and he’s been watching voting trends among the demographics the Democrats believe they own (after all, if you don’t vote for Biden, you ain’t black, right?). This casual racism is one of the problems that Teixeira is now pointing out as problematic for the Democrat party and its (dashed) dream of an emerging demographic-based Democratic majority.
