Author Topic: Update On The International Efforts To Save The Planet Through Climate Litigation  (Read 105 times)

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Update On The International Efforts To Save The Planet Through Climate Litigation


August 29, 2021/ Francis Menton

Having had a long career in the litigation business, I have a well-developed appreciation for the limits on what can be accomplished through lawsuits. Among litigators, the line “Let’s sue the bastards” is always good for a laugh, in rueful recognition of the enormous amounts of effort that can be expended for little, or even negative, results.

But the green environmental movement appears to have both near infinite funding and legions of adherents filled with crazed religious zeal. When somebody in this crowd blurts out “Let’s sue the bastards,” the funding immediately emerges, and ideologue lawyers line up to compete for the gig.

So somehow these guys got the idea of suing national governments on the theory that “fundamental human rights” are threatened by climate change. Would that allegation be enough to get one or a few judges to order the judicial takeover of entire national economies to force the lowering of CO2 emissions? Perhaps that seems to you like the kind of question that is quintessentially outside the competence of the judiciary. If so, then perhaps you don’t understand how far off the ideological cliff much of the judiciary has gone, both here and in Europe. Fortunately for us, there remains considerably more sanity on this issue here in the U.S. than over in Europe.

Herewith an update on litigation on this subject, both here and in Europe.

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