Author Topic: Despite Claims of Affordability, a New Study Shows Net-Zero Could Cost Each American Upwards of $11  (Read 102 times)

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Despite Claims of Affordability, a New Study Shows Net-Zero Could Cost Each American Upwards of $11,000 Every Year By 2050
Anthony Watts -
August 31, 2021 0

An August 26 article posted by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) praises the goals to virtually eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from energy use contained California Assembly Bill (AB1395), the Climate Crisis Act. The praise is unwarranted. Research indicates, not only would the “net zero” goals be virtually impossible to obtain, but the attempt to meet such a goal will carry steep costs. From the article,

“[T]he California State Senate Appropriations Committee moved the Climate Crisis Act (AB 1395), co-authored by Assembly Members Al Muratsuchi and Cristina Garcia, off of the suspense file to the Senate floor for debate,” writes EDF. “The bill would codify California’s commitment to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and no later than 2045. Additionally, the bill includes provisions to ensure that California directly reduces emissions 90% below 1990 levels by 2045.”

High costs of living, including high energy costs resulting from laws raising the price of reliable, relatively inexpensive fossil fuels and restricting their use, are among the reasons many Californians have cited for making an exodus from the state to states with more affordable living costs.