Author Topic: Dear Politicians: A Veteran’s Damning Letter To Inept Representatives  (Read 77 times)

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Dear Politicians: A Veteran’s Damning Letter To Inept Representatives

August 21, 2021 by Kevin Wilson

With recent events in Afghanistan and the abhorrent way that it has been handled, many of our readers have asked, “how can I help?” The best way you can help right now is to make your voice heard by your political representatives.

You have our complete permission to copy/paste and personalize this letter as your own to your representative.

Dear sir/ma’am,

I think it goes without saying that we are all extremely worried about the current situation in Afghanistan. In this day and age, it’s extremely tempting to turn every issue into a political one, and the American withdrawal and response to the Taliban’s takeover of the country have already caused battle lines to form.

I myself find it extremely difficult to leave my personal feelings on the matter out of this letter. But, there’s a time and a place, and this is neither. For now, there is but one simple, overriding truth: we need your help. Afghanistan needs your help.