Author Topic: The AP Shills for Criminal Aliens  (Read 119 times)

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The AP Shills for Criminal Aliens
« on: August 29, 2021, 02:04:32 pm »
The AP Shills for Criminal Aliens
Poor reporting contributes to misinformation about federal law enforcement
By Jon Feere on August 17, 2021

The Associated Press (AP) published an article decrying the potential deportation of illegal aliens from the United States without informing readers that the individuals highlighted in the piece have criminal backgrounds. The entire premise is explained in the article’s headline: “Immigrant detentions soar despite Biden’s campaign promises” . The reporter, Philip Marcelo, failed to explain in any detail the reason behind the alleged “surge” in detention and entirely avoided the criminal histories of the illegal aliens he promoted with sob stories. It was left to the Center for Immigration Studies’ Art Arthur to point out, in a quote, that the small increase in detention is primarily the result of arrests of recent border-crossers by Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents — amid the mass influx of illegal immigration at the border being encouraged by the Biden administration — and that arrests of illegal aliens in the interior of the country by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers are quickly dwindling. But because the reporter did not explain that the illegal aliens highlighted in his article are public safety threats, readers were led to conclude that ICE is acting unjustly. As explained below, the individuals cited by the reporter are probably not people you would want in your neighborhood.

As of this writing, there are 25,526 aliens in ICE detention, 82 percent of whom were arrested by CBP as they came across the border. There are only 4,555 aliens in ICE detention as a result of ICE arrests (and most of those arrests likely occurred under the Trump administration). Of that ICE-arrested population, nearly all have criminal records: 3,881 have criminal convictions on their records and another 426 have pending criminal charges. Many of these people are likely specifically required to be detained under federal law because of the seriousness of their crimes. But that’s not of any interest to the many anti-enforcement groups quoted in the article.