Author Topic: Gavin Newsom Blames Everyone Else for His Recall. Here Are 100 Reasons That Might Jog His Memory.  (Read 102 times)

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Offline PeteS in CA

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Gavin Newsom Blames Everyone Else for His Recall. Here Are 100 Reasons That Might Jog His Memory.

The way Newsom has used the power of his office to save his own hide helps explain why at least 1.7 million Californians of all political backgrounds want him gone.

The governor’s campaign has attempted to tar recall proponents, including Democrats, independents, Libertarians, and Republicans, as “radical, right-wing,” “anti-vaxxers,” “QAnon conspiracy theorists,” and racists, who “could threaten California’s efforts to fight COVID-19.” We don’t know what that means but oooh, scary!
The muckraking is in full gear by the pliant Democrat press. The Los Angeles Times reports that Libertarian challenger Larry Elder is a white supremacist. Elder is black. The same paper also erroneously reported that Elder hadn’t made certain financial disclosures when he had, according to colleague Jennifer Van Laar of Red State. State officials are investigating. Sure.
While Newsom wants to depict recall fans as QAnon anti-vaxxers, there is a multitude of reasons that would rise to the level of a recall. The recall campaign has produced a video with 100 reasons for the recall, but I’ll start you off with just the top 10. ...

1.Water. California has gone in and out of droughts from time immemorial. Newsom’s done little to nothing to build more reservoirs. Farmers producing America’s food supply are put behind the water needs of junk fish.

2. Fires. Blaming PG & E for fires when the government has direct and powerful oversight over utilities looks dumb. Environmentalists are just fine with those birds and fish burning up and C02 released into the air in raging wildfires that could have been avoided with forest management. What’s Newsom done about it? Nothing.

3. Housing. State regulations, such as energy mandates, help make housing prices unaffordable. He’s done nothing to ameliorate this issue except to offer free housing for junkies.

4. Inviting homelessness. Democrats encourage more homelessness by inviting the drug-addicted and mentally ill to come to the state to sleep on the street or in a car, in free housing, and collect their government check. ...

Solving problems requires recognizing and working on problems. Noisome does neither.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.