Author Topic: Was Bill de Blasio’s Mom a Commie? The FBI’s Maria de Blasio File  (Read 138 times)

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Was Bill de Blasio’s Mom a Commie? The FBI’s Maria de Blasio File
What other New York Mayor has been as loyal to his mother’s — in this case, very subversive — politics?
by Paul Kengor
September 26, 2021, 11:03 PM

Yikes, the recent reports of Bill de Blasio as one “Warren Wilhelm Jr.” were news to me (even as news of his name change was first reported several years ago). Such was the birth name bestowed by his mother, whose maiden name was Maria de Blasio, and his father, Warren Wilhelm Sr., who tragically killed himself when Bill was 18 years old. The parents had bitterly divorced long before that, and the young Warren had steadily pulled away from his father as he was raised by his mother and her Italian family. He identified with them and eventually took her family’s name. It really is a sad story. Bill de Blasio had a tough upbringing.

Yikes and yowza: In the course of learning this, several people sent me information (some of it in the form of mocking memes) claiming that Bill’s parents were communists. And as The American Spectator’s resident “Commie Watch” guy, I’m red-in-the-face embarrassed to admit I knew nothing about these alleged red roots of Bill’s mom and dad. I knew nothing, nada, niente of the de Blasio bloodline’s purported Marxist sympathies. That includes a biggie: his mother’s alleged membership in the Communist Party. I knew nothing about these claims even as I years ago wrote in this publication about young Bill’s ridiculous work in the 1980s supporting the odious Marxist Nicaraguan Sandinistas and peddling subscriptions to their silly “newspaper.”

Upon hearing these claims about Bill’s parents, it took one email exchange with a longtime fellow researcher of American communism to learn that de Blasio’s parents were questioned about their backgrounds and sympathies by the FBI, and that Bill’s mother worked for the Office of War Information during World War II — i.e., a giant red flag. OWI was the most communist-penetrated of all the wartime federal agencies. I was also told that she had been named by Whittaker Chambers.

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