Author Topic: China Touts ‘U.S. Humiliation’ in Afghanistan in Warning to Taiwan  (Read 170 times)

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China Touts ‘U.S. Humiliation’ in Afghanistan in Warning to Taiwan

China poised to fill vacuum in Afghanistan as United States flees Taliban takeover

China-Taiwan-PhilippinesHypothetical ways China could attack Taiwan and the Philippines

Adam Kredo • August 16, 2021 4:00 pm

China says "U.S. humiliation" in Afghanistan should be a warning sign to Taiwan and other U.S allies in the region that the American military "won't come to help" if war breaks out in the future.

As Taliban militants reclaim control of war-torn Afghanistan after the Biden administration's decision to remove all U.S. troops from the country, China is stepping in to fill the power vacuum. Communist Party officials have been talking to Taliban leaders, and China's embassy in Afghanistan is operating normally, even as the United States conducts an emergency evacuation of its personnel in the country.

Chinese state-controlled media and Communist Party loyalists gloated on Sunday over America's "humiliation" as the Taliban marched into the Afghan capital, Kabul, forcing U.S.-backed president Ashraf Ghani to flee the country while his government crumbled. China is now offering to fund post-war construction efforts in Afghanistan as part of its Belt and Road Initiative, a sweeping Communist Party infrastructure project that has helped the CCP gain a foothold in many countries across the globe.

The catastrophe in Afghanistan provides China another opportunity to subvert U.S influence and power in critical regions such as the Middle East. While the Biden administration scrambles to secure the safety of Americans stationed in the country, China is exploiting the situation to send a warning to its regional enemies, primarily Taiwan. The CCP is also promoting Afghanistan as an example of American decline across the world: "The US lost. It was a no-brainer," tweeted Chen Weihua, editor of the Communist-controlled China Daily, on Monday.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.