Author Topic: “Unseasonal” Snow Blasts Kashmir, South Africa’s Food Prices Soar due to Extreme Freeze, European C  (Read 104 times)

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“Unseasonal” Snow Blasts Kashmir, South Africa’s Food Prices Soar due to Extreme Freeze, European Crop Woes, + Rare Low-Level Snow Hits Tasmania
August 17, 2021 Cap Allon   

The MSM appear to be stepping up the EOTW rhetoric of late–if that’s even possible.

A seemingly never-ending barrage of ‘catastrophic global heating’ articles are peppering the western world’s news feeds, and the brainwashed masses continue to fall for every single word of it.

I used to think a journalist’s job was to report the truth, and to provide balance and impartiality — I was naive.

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act put pay to that.