Author Topic: Informal Institute for National Security Thinkers and Practitioners (8/13)  (Read 77 times)

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Informal Institute for National Security Thinkers and Practitioners

Quotes of the Day:

    “In the final analysis, it is their war. They are the ones who have to win it or lose it. We can help them, we can give them equipment, we can send our men out there as advisors, but they have to win it, the people of Vietnam, against the communists.”

    - President John Kennedy in a televised interview with Walter Cronkite on September 2, 1963.

    "Nothing of real importance changes: modern history is not modern."

    - Colin Gray

    “By and large, strategy comes into play where there is actual or potential conflict, when interests collide and forms of resolution are required. This is why a strategy is much more than a plan. A plan supposes a sequence of events that allows one to move with confidence from one state of affairs to another. Strategy is required when others might frustrate one’s plans because they have different and possibly opposing interests and concerns.”

    - Lawrence Freedman, Strategy: A History

1. Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Call With President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani
2. What We Got Wrong in Afghanistan
3. Irregular Warfare: A Case Study in CIA and US Army Special Forces Operations in Northern Iraq, 2002-03
4. U.S.-Australia-India-Japan Consultations (the “Quad”) Senior Officials Meeting
5. Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan
6. It might still be possible to save Afghanistan
7. How Has the Terrorism Threat Changed Twenty Years After 9/11?