Author Topic: America is suffering from Biden’s COVID recklessness at the border  (Read 64 times)

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There is much debate today as to whether the border crisis resulted in a COVID-19 super-spreader event. However, there is no doubt that the Biden administration’ refusal and inability to stop the flow of illegal immigration is having a significant impact on the spread of the infection.

The tragic reality is that this humanitarian disaster could have been avoided if the “anti-border/amnesty for all” activists had not interjected themselves into our border enforcement program. The border crisis is the product of a politically motivated agenda to empower and expand the the left’s partisan base without regard for national security and public safety consequences. Unfortunately, the American people must pay for this debacle with their lives and livelihoods.

The public discussion on the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship to immigration enforcement must be founded on facts. It got its foothold in this country through human transmission by international travelers. Fortunately, the Trump administration put travel bans in place which helped to dramatically reduce the magnitude of the pandemic.

Significant efforts were made to curtail transmission of the disease by reducing the number of illegal border crossers. Construction of the wall was initiated to fill in gaps along the border. The Migrant Protection Protocols were implemented, which required that foreign individuals coming from Mexico illegally or without proper documentation be returned to Mexico to wait outside the United States for the duration of their immigration proceedings. Catch-and-release policies were stopped.

The Republic is lost.