Author Topic: DeSantis Is Standing Up to the Weenies  (Read 216 times)

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DeSantis Is Standing Up to the Weenies
« on: August 10, 2021, 01:11:02 pm »
They have been called many things: amoebas, spineless cowards, weaklings, and other names not suitable for print in a family newspaper.

The modern characterization for many politicians who refuse to take a stand, especially in the midst of the growing and rapid threat of American socialism, is the word "weenie."

People fear being called names for expressing personal convictions (assuming they have any) and so they either say nothing or they go along to get along.

Not Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, who increasingly resembles the type of leader the country needs as the Biden administration appears to try and transform us into a nation the polar opposite of what the Founders intended and the Constitution prescribes.

Following President Biden's criticism of Texas and Florida for refusing to bow to Washington dictates, shifting CDC vaccination and mask "guidelines" and the Delta variant - and by implication their governors - DeSantis fired back.

Responding to Biden's statement that if DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott won't help fight the pandemic, they should "get out of the way," DeSantis responded at a news conference. I will quote him at length because it is important for the context and to sense the power behind his words.

"I think the question is, we can either have a free society, or we can have a biomedical security state ... Joe Biden suggests if you don't do lockdown policies, then you should 'get out of the way' ... If you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way..."
I am just a Technicolor Dream Cat riding this kaleidoscope of life.