Author Topic: BREAKING MAD: Hill Op-Ed Cites 9/11 Attacks to Insist NATO Invoke Art. 5 on Climate Change  (Read 155 times)

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BREAKING MAD: Hill Op-Ed Cites 9/11 Attacks to Insist NATO Invoke Art. 5 on Climate Change
Joseph Vazquez
August 3rd, 2021 9:47 AM

The Hill seems willing to publish almost anything if it stinks of the eco-nuttiness of the hard left, even if it involves comparing the hyped-up threats of climate change to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The outlet published a bonkers op-ed headlined, “Climate change is a unifying threat — NATO should enact Article 5 to combat it.” The author, Deborah Brosnan, president and founder of Deborah Brosnan & Associates, wrongly named the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as the “The North Atlantic Treaty Alliance” before speculating whether the intergovernmental organization should “consider climate change as a full-fledged assault on our communities, nations and planet.”

She continued down the wormhole: “nstead of a voluntary pledge NATO attacked climate change under its existing charter to create a secure world, and support allies. In other words: What if NATO invoked Article 5?” Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which was intended as a response to armed attacks by hostile states, stipulates: “Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.” Brosnan then had the audacity to compare the threat of climate change to that of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. [Emphasis added.]