Author Topic: The Wuhan Bioweapon  (Read 87 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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The Wuhan Bioweapon
« on: August 07, 2021, 08:19:13 pm »
The Post & Email by Joseph DeMaio


What if…, hypothetically speaking, of course…, it were determined that the Wuhan coronavirus was, in fact, specifically engineered in the biological weapons unit of a laboratory in, say, China?  And what if, hypothetically, it were to be factually established that members of the Chinese Peoples Liberation [sic] Army had perfected and sought a patent for a vaccine effective against such a laboratory-engineered biologically-weaponized virus prior to its release?”

And what if it were confirmed that following some preliminary “accidental” releases of the virus in Wuhan, China, residents of that city were forbidden to travel to other places in China, but were allowed to freely travel internationally to other countries?

And what if…, again, hypothetically speaking…, it were proven that the virus was weaponized through “gain of function” genomic manipulation financed by scientists and virologists more interested in “what can be done” through Dr. Frankenstein experimentations rather than in “what should be done” as a matter of morality?

And what if – hypothetically – it were shown that the weapon was intentionally loosed on the world in a calculated attempt to cripple all other nations via a biological pandemic designed to pave a path to planetary hegemony orchestrated and controlled from Beijing, China?


The war is upon us, and the sooner that the remaining sentient part of the population realizes that truth and determines to fight back, the better.  The real question is, against this backdrop, what will be the Goofball’s response?  Right now, he is doing more to further China’s hegemonic goals under the guidance of Sun Tzu’s vision than protecting the United States.

He has de facto eradicated our southern border, allowing thousands of illegal aliens – many carrying the Wuhan bioweapon with them – to be transported throughout the nation.  He violates hourly his oath of office and the constitutional mandate that he “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” He disregards clear and unambiguous decisions of the Supreme Court, putting in place by imperial fiat policies specifically forbidden by the Court.

Worse, he revels in each periodic proposal for another multi-trillion dollar spending orgy, an irresponsible, reckless and dangerous habit that will turn myriad future generations of Americans into tax slaves and eventually lead to the collapse of the “shining city on a hill” into the bowels of destruction.  Recall, Virginia, that the total cost of World War II, adjusted to 2021 dollars, was a mere $4.1 trillion.  Today, the entire cost of World War II is replicated every few weeks when the Goofball or the Congress proposes a new “stimulus” or “infrastructure” bill.  This is treasonous madness.
