Author Topic: Robert O'Neill knocks New York Times book review referring to Usama bin Laden as 'devoted family man  (Read 1185 times)

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Robert O'Neill knocks New York Times book review referring to Usama bin Laden as 'devoted family man'

'He used his wife as a human shield,' the former Navy SEAL tweeted
By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News


Robert O'Neill, the former U.S. Navy SEAL who shot and killed Usama bin Laden, took a swipe at The New York Times over a book review that labeled the infamous terrorist as a "devoted family man."

While reviewing Peter Bergen's book "The Rise and Fall of Usama bin Laden," writer Louise Richardson highlighted bin Laden's family life and how he was one of a whopping 55 children and how he himself ended up having 24 children of his own.

"When it came to his family, bin Laden was a man of contradictions," Richardson summarized. "On the one hand, he required his daughters from the age of 3 to be separated from males and insisted that females leave the room when men appeared, even on satellite television. Yet two of his older wives were highly educated, with doctorates in Koranic grammar and child psychology. They helped write his public statements and curate his public image; they engaged in discussions with him on strategy."


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It seems the NY Slimes has decided bin Laden wasn't all that devoted and taken that out of the review. 22222frying pan