General Category > Politics/Government

McConnell: 'It never occurred to me' convincing Americans to get vaccinated would be difficult

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Does he believe this is his job? He's not a doctor and he certainly isn't my doctor, so he can butt out of my medical decisionmaking.

Cyber Liberty:
It's shocking how few things ever "occur to him." 

Uniparty controlled opposition Decepticon says what?


--- Quote from: skeeter on July 29, 2021, 01:32:11 am ---It never occurred to McConnell, leader of the most august deliberative body in the nation, there are 340 million unique individuals in America. Thats a confidence builder.

--- End quote ---



--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on July 29, 2021, 03:52:51 pm ---It's shocking how few things ever "occur to him."

--- End quote ---

Naw!  Not really if you think about it.


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