Author Topic: Dr Willie Soon Predicts Global Cooling, Slams Politicised Science  (Read 182 times)

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Climate Communications
Dr Willie Soon Predicts Global Cooling, Slams Politicised Science

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

Dr. Willie Soon at his best, educating kids and adults at Camp Constitution about the politicisation of climate science, the exploitation of Greta Thunberg, failed climate predictions, the poor quality of mainstream science education, and the rise of the Technocracy, the growing risk from elitists who seek to subvert freedom by controlling ordinary people through manufactured fear.

Dr. Soon predicting imminent global cooling.

I once had the privilege to meet Dr. Soon in person. Climate activists hate him, because in person and in his speeches he positively radiates passion and integrity. Dr. Soon’s gift is explaining in detail the failures of climate alarmists to ordinary people, an implacable opponent of those who would ensnare us with hobgoblins and falsehoods.