Author Topic: Amid Criticism, Gov. Abbott Orders National Guard to Help Arrest Illegals Crossing Border  (Read 426 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Texas Scorecard by Robert Montoya July 27, 2021

Abbott’s order follows criticism he’s received for posturing without compelling actions.

Following revelations that little has been done to secure the state’s southern border, Gov. Greg Abbott has now decided to call on the Texas National Guard, but he hasn’t specified how many additional troops are to be deployed. Meanwhile, an official from one of the border counties reports promises are being made to deliver help.

Citing his authority in the Texas Constitution, on July 27, Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas National Guard to “assist [the Texas Department of Public Safety] in enforcing Texas law by arresting lawbreakers at the border.” He also cited state government code saying he “can call on state military forces ‘to enforce state law’ and ‘to assist civil authorities in guarding [or] conveying prisoners.’”

Earlier this year, Abbott made a public pivot towards securing Texas’ border with Mexico. However, on July 14, Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith told Texas Scorecard the county had received no assistance. Furthermore, the state was denying funds the border county was seeking to secure themselves. The state had also not yet authorized help offered from Florida. On July 17, Abbott held a briefing with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), where both men asked for more federal action on border security.

On July 22, a video surfaced of illegal immigrants being walked through an open gate at the Texas border and into a Border Patrol vehicle.

In mid-June, Abbott announced the state would be building its own wall, only for citizens to recently discover a chain-link fence was being prepared instead. “The fence won’t deter any illegals from entering,” said retired U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agent Victor Avila. He argued instead for Abbott to use abandoned materials for former President Trump’s wall. Avila also suggested Abbott work with private landowners who have property on the border to build barriers there instead of further inland.


Offline AARguy

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Thanks for that info. As a Texan that lives far from the border, I don't see the actual immigration actions our Governor is taking or failing to take. I tend to judge Gov Abbott on how he protects our children from CRT in schools and the crazy blue political China Virus mandates. I have read about the ten states that have sent assistance in guarding our Texas border and heard about the "TEXAS WALL". I will pay more attention to what is actually happening thanks to your post.

Thanks again.