Author Topic: GOP Lawmakers Set the Record Straight on Texas Election Bills  (Read 194 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Texas Scorecard by Erin Anderson July 20, 2021

Republicans debunk Democrat talking points and detail what is—and isn’t—included in the state’s voting security legislation.

Tired of Democrats distorting the contents of election integrity bills and smearing the reforms as racist, Republican lawmakers in the Texas House and Senate shot back last week to set the record straight about what is—and isn’t—included in their proposed legislation.

At the top of their list of what’s not in the bills: “voter suppression.”

“There’s been a lot of misinformation and patently false statements,” State Rep. Andrew Murr (R–Junction) said on Friday at an election integrity briefing held by the House Republican Caucus.

Murr is the author of House Bill 3, a revised version of comprehensive election reform that the Republican-run legislature failed to pass during the 140-day regular session.

Republicans got a second chance to get it right when Gov. Greg Abbott put election integrity on the July special session agenda along with other priorities left undone.

New comprehensive election bills filed in the House and Senate improved on their regular-session counterparts, added items requested by Democrats, and dropped controversial provisions.

The bills still sparked a special session showdown between Democrats determined to block Republicans’ bills by any means, and Republicans who say Democrats haven’t bothered to read the bills and are misrepresenting the reforms.

“Anyone who says there is no voter fraud in Texas is telling a very big lie,” said State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R–Mineola) at a press conference held by Senate Republicans on Wednesday.
