Author Topic: Closing the Chapter: Ending Afghanistan for US Army Special Forces  (Read 189 times)

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Closing the Chapter: Ending Afghanistan for US Army Special Forces

Abigail Gage and Shawna Sinnott | 07.16.21
Closing the Chapter: Ending Afghanistan for US Army Special Forces

US Army Special Forces units continued to quietly operate in Afghanistan when conventional troops withdrew around 2015. These soldiers have worked closely with Afghan commandos and government partners to hold the hard-won and fragile stability. What happens when they leave the country this summer? How has this war continued unnoticed by the American people and what was the role of the media, the military, and policymakers in building a better public awareness of ongoing operations in Afghanistan?

Episode 31 of the Irregular Warfare Podcast explores the story of American special operations forces in Afghanistan since 2015 through the lens of Wall Street Journal reporter Jessica Donati’s new book, Eagle Down: The Last Special Forces Fighting the Forever War. Our guests address these questions based on their extensive experience in Afghanistan. One is a journalist who lived and reported from Afghanistan for five years, the other is a seasoned US Army Special Forces officer with over seventy months in-country. They will argue that Army Special Forces, also known as Green Berets, have been instrumental to preserving stability in Afghanistan since 2015, and their departure will leave a concerning void in the security and functionality of the country. They also discuss the role of the media in influencing policy in Washington, and the responsibilities that the military, journalists, and policymakers have to build a detailed understanding of conflicts such as the one in Afghanistan. Our guests conclude by discussing this “forever” war’s impact on policymakers and practitioners.