Author Topic: There’s a lot more to be outraged about in the US military than ‘wokeness’  (Read 155 times)

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There’s a lot more to be outraged about in the US military than ‘wokeness’

Let’s get our priorities in order.

By Paul Szoldra, James Clark, Jeff Schogol, and Haley Britzky Published Jun 30, 2021 12:50 PM
American military service members often complain of black mold growing in their barracks and in base housing. A staggering number of veterans have died by suicide. The number of reported sexual assaults in the military continues to rise. And many troops wonder whether civilians even care about them at all after most Americans ignored the war in Afghanistan for years.

But if you watch cable news the most pressing national security issue these days seems to be the supposed sharp left turn of the Department of Defense into “wokeness” amid an embrace of “critical race theory,” though it’s unclear what the phrase actually means anymore. Several members of Congress recently debated whether the Navy’s top officer should’ve added Ibram X. Kendi’s book How To Be An Antiracist to his professional reading list after George Floyd’s murder at the hands of Minneapolis police officers last summer; critics say the reading program “undermines America’s security.” One television host suggested “wokeness” may explain an embarrassing 2016 incident in which Iran captured 10 sailors and held them hostage for about 15 hours. An op-ed published in May even argued that “the woke takeover of the US military endangers us all.”

The debate reached a fever pitch last week after Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley responded to questions about critical race theory in the military. (Critical race theory generally refers to the academic study of law and policy as it pertains to race.)


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I wasn't aware of any other concerns by the military other than PC, wokeness, gender equity, LGBTQ and black diversity! :shrug: