Author Topic: What is Behind Gen. Mark Milley's Righteous Race Sermon? Look to the New Domestic War on Terror.  (Read 213 times)

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What is Behind Gen. Mark Milley's Righteous Race Sermon? Look to the New Domestic War on Terror.

The overarching ideology of Pentagon officials is larger military budgets and ongoing permanent war posture. Their new war target, explicitly, is domestic "white rage."

For two hundred forty years, American generals have not exactly been defined by adamant public advocacy for left-wing cultural dogma. Yet there appeared to be a great awakening at the Pentagon on Wednesday when Gen. Mark Milley, the highest-ranking military officer in the U.S. as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified at a House hearing. The Chairman vehemently defended the teaching of critical race theory at West Point and, referencing the January 6 Capitol riot, said, β€œit is important that we train and we understand ... and I want to understand white rage. And I'm white."

In response to conservative criticisms that top military officials should not be weighing in on inflammatory and polarizing cultural debates, liberals were ecstatic to have found such an empathetic, racially aware, and humanitarian general sitting atop the U.S. imperial war machine. Overnight, Gen. Milley became a new hero for U.S. liberalism, a noble military leader which β€” like former FBI Director Robert Mueller before him β€” no patriotic, decent American would question let alone mock. Some prominent liberal commentators warned that conservatives are now anti-military and even seek to defund the Pentagon.


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Does his education at uber liberal ivy league Universities have anything to do with it?  Where liberal ideals and liberal indoctrination are more important than honest, truthful education itself? :pondering: