Author Topic: Meet the Soldier Who Earned the Medal of Honor After Smoking a Joint  (Read 1768 times)

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Meet the Soldier Who Earned the Medal of Honor After Smoking a Joint
Today, Peter Lemon is the eighth youngest recipient of the Medal of Honor and highly sought-after motivational speaker. (Peter C. Lemon) | By Blake Stilwell

Canada is known for some of the world’s greatest exports: crude oil, maple syrup and one-man armies. Thankfully, for all three of those examples, Canada is one of America’s best friends.

Energy and waffles are important, but when it comes to making the world safe for democracy, Canada can hang with the best of us. Three of the top five longest-range sniper kills belong to Canadians. Canadian Leo Major took an occupied town by himself in World War II and later wrecked an entire Chinese battalion in Korea. Then there’s Peter Lemon.

Lemon was a Canadian-American who immigrated to the U.S. at age 2 and joined the U.S. Army as soon as he could, as the war in Vietnam was reaching the height of its unpopularity. He probably could have avoided serving altogether if he wanted to, but he didn’t.