Author Topic: Explanation for what has been happening the last 20+ years,or Deep State Paranoria?  (Read 1177 times)

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Offline sneakypete

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The endless bleeping semi-wars that we OBVIOUSLY NEVER INTENDED TO WIN in the Muddle East have had me puzzled for years,but like everyone else,I figured that eventually we would "win",or at least defeat the radicals,and peace,love,and understanding would break out all over.

Yeah,as we all know,that just did NOT happen. Nor is it likely to EVER happen. Mostly because when we look back on it,even though our military did a superb job given the conditions they had to work under,it now seems obvious to ME that we never intended to win.

Which leads to the obvious question "If we never intended on defeating Radical Islam,WTH were we sent there in the first place?"

The obvious answer seems to be "to defeat/kill bin Laden for the attacks on America".

Given the conditions we were working under while dealing with people who would turn on their own mothers for 10 bucks and a sexy young goat,we accomplished that.

Soooooo,WTH didn't we declare victory and leave? The "Bad Man" had been killed,and so had most or all of his leadership cadre.

Did we suddenly become "The World's Daddy",dedicated to killing all the bad mens in de wurld ta make the wurld safe for GM and Democracy"?

Nope. We ain't even a freaking Democracy. We are,or are SUPPOSED to be a Republic.

Never mind the BILLIONS of US taxpayer dollars we wasted and are continuing to in order to try to bring civilization to a group of people who are determined to live in medieval times,by FAR the greatest waste has been the lives of our career military members,who are the warriors that keep our military perking along at top speed. These people are NOT easily replaced. Especially not when it seems we are now involved in a Perpetual War.

Even natural-born Warriors need a victory occasionally to keep their spirits up,yet we have became involved in conflicts we clearly seem determined to fight to a draw,without winning.

Warriors like victories,not draws.

Face it. If we REALLY wanted to defeat Radical Islam,we would just light their asses up and go back home. Chances are we could have someone who would be believed just whisper "We ARE going to light your asses up starting in days from today if you don't stop this nonsense immediately by cutting off your funding to the radial elements,and arresting and executing their leaders. Bleep with us and find out when you start glowing in the dark!" Trust me,the Sheiks and the various other international bankers that have been financing groups like the Taliban over the decades will suddenly decide to get peaceful if this were to happen.

Are you listening to me,Saudi Arabia?

So what if they whine and wring their hands in the UN about our threats? We should disband the freaking UN and send ALL their asses back home. If there has EVER been a more useless organization than the UN,I honest to GAWD can't think of it.

Seems to ME like all they do is conspire with each other to keep wars going so they can sit there on their fat asses and collect graft by the bagful,while bitching about America.

I know the world,including us,NEED some sort of organization to try to maintain world peace for the betterment of us all,but it ain't the UN and never has been.

Smarter people than me are needed to figure out what to replace it with and how to organize it,but I know this needs to be done. Too much graft and corruption there that goes back decades,along with the "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" connections that keep the corruption flowing.

One suggestion would be to expel any delegate caught to be scamming the system for wealth and other personal benefits. No excuses,no exceptions,GONE. And if his or her home nation bitches too much about it,expel them and cut off  ALL UN money going to them until they fall in line.

Not that I think any of this will actually be done because I have now came to believe that ALL of this was and has been intentional for decades,if not from the beginning.

I believe the prime purpose of the US getting involved in other people's perpetual wars has been to bleed out our warrior class to the point our military is combat ineffective.  Once this happens we can no longer even defend ourselves even IF China were to agree to continue to supply us with the tools and equipment the military needs.

 All of this CAN'T be happening by accident,and if it's not by accident,it is by careful planning.

The ultimate goal being,of course,a One World Government RULED by a corporate board composed of bankers ,with the world cut up into areas of interest,with the Chinese ruling in Asia,and the rest of the world being ruled by European banking families in some place like Geneva.

I picture the US,Canada,and Mexico being untied with a title something like  "The Americas Economic Zone",and ran by a corporate board probably based in NYC.

The rest of the world will also be split up into economic zones in ways that fit the purpose.

Laugh if you want,but unless we made drastic political changes,this is what I see happening in the next 10-15 years.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 05:31:14 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Online roamer_1

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Yes, the overview is globalism....

Christian prophets describe an end-times world government divided into 10 kingdoms... Ten economic zones in todays vernacular. Abbaddon (Apollo) rising.

And the Occult describes a return to the golden kingdom, Atlantis rising... Atlantis, governed by Poseidon, who spawned 10 nephilim kings from one human woman. Those 10 kings governed the world... That is what they are seeking to restore.

This is the state of the world in the end, prophets from all sides predicted, thousands of years ago... And that is what is coming to pass... Powers and principalities reaching down into reality, jockeying for power in the rise of the final profane king.

The American economic union you describe has been known, and on the drafting board for decades via the Club of Rome, and called the NAU - The North American Union... Something Republicans have been shooting for all along, which is why they always fail to secure the borders. They don't want them secured. They have been feeding y'all bullcrap like good little mushrooms. They want the Constitution to pass into history. They want the NAU.

Likewise, the tensions in the Middle East are for the formation of another economic zone... And Israel, predictably, will not fit, and will be the stumbling stone.

All of what is happening was predicted and written down aeons ago... Maybe that Christian world view is not as powerless and phony as you assumed.  happy77

Offline sneakypete

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Yes, the overview is globalism....

Christian prophets describe an end-times world government divided into 10 kingdoms... Ten economic zones in todays vernacular. Abbaddon (Apollo) rising.

And the Occult describes a return to the golden kingdom, Atlantis rising... Atlantis, governed by Poseidon, who spawned 10 nephilim kings from one human woman. Those 10 kings governed the world... That is what they are seeking to restore.

This is the state of the world in the end, prophets from all sides predicted, thousands of years ago... And that is what is coming to pass... Powers and principalities reaching down into reality, jockeying for power in the rise of the final profane king.

The American economic union you describe has been known, and on the drafting board for decades via the Club of Rome, and called the NAU - The North American Union... Something Republicans have been shooting for all along, which is why they always fail to secure the borders. They don't want them secured. They have been feeding y'all bullcrap like good little mushrooms. They want the Constitution to pass into history. They want the NAU.

Likewise, the tensions in the Middle East are for the formation of another economic zone... And Israel, predictably, will not fit, and will be the stumbling stone.

All of what is happening was predicted and written down aeons ago... Maybe that Christian world view is not as powerless and phony as you assumed.  happy77


Or maybe it is just a case of human nature IS human nature,and the lust for power and control over others will never disappear?
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Free Vulcan

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Plus Chinese influence, far more than we realize I think.
The Republic is lost.

Online roamer_1

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Or maybe it is just a case of human nature IS human nature,and the lust for power and control over others will never disappear?


There is a ton of that that's right - Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely... The heart of Man is inherently evil... I get what you mean... But that does not explain 4 thousand years and then some of shot-callin... There is something to prophecy and there is BOTH a good and evil agenda being performed.

That flies in the face of any agenda Man might make... The influences playing out here are supernatural.

That does not excuse Man. Just saying you are aiming your sights a little low if you want to see the big picture.

Globalism WILL come to pass. It WILL take the shape of 10 economic regions. There WILL be a world court, and a world-backed military enforcing a world charter that WILL be placed above the authority of national constitutions.

It is coming. It is Babylon rising.

Offline Fishrrman

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Pete wrote (in his tome above):
Which leads to the obvious question "If we never intended on defeating Radical islam, WTH were we sent there in the first place?"

The problem was that "the enemy" we faced WAS NOT "radical islam".

You need to delete just one word from your quote above, to discover the difference.

Whether or not you UNDERSTAND that "difference"... well, it's up to you.

We did not -- we COULD NOT -- "win" in those conflicts because we never understood nor acknowledged who or what "the enemy" we faced was, and just "who" was "in charge".
It wasn't the taliban.
It wasn't al queda.
It wasn't bin laden.
It was -- and is -- somebody else.

And so long as we continue our refusal to do so, we cannot win.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2021, 10:09:58 pm by Fishrrman »

Offline sneakypete

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Pete wrote (in his tome above):
Which leads to the obvious question "If we never intended on defeating Radical islam, WTH were we sent there in the first place?"

The problem was that "the enemy" we faced WAS NOT "radical islam".

You need to delete just one word from your quote above, to discover the difference.

Whether or not you UNDERSTAND that "difference"... well, it's up to you.

We did not -- we COULD NOT -- "win" in those conflicts because we never understood nor acknowledged who or what "the enemy" we faced was, and just "who" was "in charge".
It wasn't the taliban.
It wasn't al queda.
It wasn't bin laden.
It was -- and is -- somebody else.

And so long as we continue our refusal to do so, we cannot win.


It is not any "someone".

It is a group of people,and Islam is nothing more than a tool.

But I think you knew what I meant,anyhow.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Fishrrman

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Pete wrote:
"It is not any "someone".
It is a group of people, and Islam is nothing more than a tool."

It IS "someone" -- someone who has been dead for 1,400 years.
But he remains in control, through his "instruction manual".
That that manual has never been modified -- is not permitted to be changed -- is telling.

If islam was "nothing more than a [mere] tool", it would not be where it is today, in control of 1.25+ billion.

We will agree to disagree on this.
But we cannot defeat "the enemy" your way.
Another "way" must be found.

Offline sneakypete

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Pete wrote:
"It is not any "someone".
It is a group of people, and Islam is nothing more than a tool."

It IS "someone" -- someone who has been dead for 1,400 years.
But he remains in control, through his "instruction manual".
That that manual has never been modified -- is not permitted to be changed -- is telling.
If islam was "nothing more than a [mere] tool", it would not be where it is today, in control of 1.25+ billion.


The power of Islam is an illusion. It is a police state that is controlled by a few VERY wealthy families (who when they are away from home act like frat boys on vacation,wine,women,and song). They have no military to speak of,only unwashed illiterate idiots that are blindly following the dictates of their leaders in the hope that IF they die serving Allah their next life won't be the pile of steaming shit this one was.

IF the western powers wanted,we could destroy Islam in 1 day with air strikes,leaving behind nothing but illiterate peasants walking around in circles while they starve to death waiting for someone to tell them what to do and what to think.

In other words,modern day Islam is nothing more than a tool of the western bankers. It is a snake,and we all know what happens when you shoot the head off a snake. I just did this yesterday,to a cottonmouth moccasin in my yard,and truth to tell,that snake was about as knowledgeable as the typical goat raper.

We will agree to disagree on this.

I can live with that.

But we cannot defeat "the enemy" your way.

Sure we can. All we lack is the willpower and the right leadership.

Another "way" must be found.

ONE thing is for certain,and that is if we don't stop this crap NOW,while it is still faintly possible to stop it,the whole world will be living in feudal slavery within another 20 to 50 years.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!