Author Topic: Let’s Declare our Independence Again  (Read 132 times)

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Let’s Declare our Independence Again
« on: July 05, 2021, 01:51:36 am »
The Post & Email by Jeff Crouere 7/4/2021

On June 7 of 1776, the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to consider the independence of the American colonies from Great Britain. It took weeks of debate, but on July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was formally adopted. On this birthday of the United States of America 245 years ago, our Founding Fathers declared their independence from a tyrannical King and created a new country, unique in world history.

As we celebrate Independence Day 2021, it is time to declare our independence once again and break free from oppressive rulers. Instead of a British King, Americans must now declare our independence from a collection of power brokers who wield disproportionate control over our lives. 

This cabal enforces destructive policies that are destroying our country. These policies include the expansion of the federal government, open borders, defunding the police, and creating chaos in our local communities. It also includes a multi-faceted attack on our constitutional rights and the patriots who support these precious freedoms. Often labels such as “racist” and “extremist” are used to demonize those who advocate for these rights, such as the First and Second Amendments.

The person who has been vilified the most by these corrupt forces is former President Donald Trump. Starting on the day he entered the race for President in 2015, Donald Trump has been the target of a never-ending stream of vicious political attacks. No other political leader has ever withstood such a wide-ranging assault.

It started with unrelenting criticism of his agenda and efforts to force him to exit the presidential race. Thereafter, he was the victim of a bogus “dossier” that included outright falsehoods. Despite its fabrications, it resulted in a spying operation directed at this campaign and later his presidency.

The assaults never stopped after his presidential victory and a special counsel was appointed to investigate the Russian collusion hoax. After two years and $40 million wasted on a witch hunt, President Trump was exonerated; however, his enemies persevered.
