Author Topic: DHS Not Asking for More Border Patrol Agents  (Read 168 times)

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DHS Not Asking for More Border Patrol Agents
« on: June 22, 2021, 06:09:11 pm »

DHS Not Asking for More Border Patrol Agents
Billions for tribute, but not one new cent for defense
By Andrew R. Arthur on June 21, 2021

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas appeared before the House Homeland Security Committee last week to discuss his department’s FY 2022 budget request. The main takeaways? One, DHS is having trouble filling its ranks of Border Patrol agents; and, two, it has no plans to ask for any more.

Well, that’s that. Keep in mind that at the same time that it has placed a freeze on requesting additional new agents, the Biden administration is planning what the Washington Post has described as a “four-year, $4 billion plan for Central America — investing in the local economies and nongovernmental organizations to convince would-be migrants to stay home”.

Here’s a history lesson: In 1797, the United States sent Elbridge Gerry, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and John Marshall to France to negotiate a treaty. French Foreign Minister Charles Talleyrand (a pragmatist if ever there was one), however, kept them waiting and then demanded a loan for his country and a bribe for himself to open negotiations, in what has come to be called the “XYZ Affair”.