General Category > Biden Crime Family

Charles Hurt: Proof Hunter Biden’s Scandals Far, Far, Far Worse Than Any of Trump’s

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--- Quote from: Victoria33 on June 22, 2021, 03:37:08 pm ---@mystery-ak

Comparing a private citizen with a former president. Ridiculous.

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Not really:  Hunter Biden's scandals are Joe Biden's scandals.  Remember "ten percent for the big guy" was confirmed by Tony Bobulinski as meaning Joe would get a cut of the dishonest gains Hunter was scheming for by trading on his father's place in government in dealings with the ChiComs.  You can doubt that because it's not "officially confirmed" by an indictment, but do you have any doubt that at face value this accusation is as serious as any floated against Trump?  China is a more serious threat than Russia, so this manages to combine the supposed cozying up to an adversary that "Russian collusion" represented in the quest to get Trump, but with a more seriously threatening foreign power with crass graft of a sort even Trump's most vicious critics couldn't find instances of. 

If there was even a hint of one of Trump's children doing a deal with, say Gazprom, and suggesting that Trump would get 10%, can you imagine the behavior of the press and the Democrats in Congress?  But it's Hunter Biden, so not even mild curiosity on the part of the press, no investigative hearings on the Hill, nothing to see here,  just move along.


--- Quote from: Victoria33 on June 22, 2021, 05:19:08 pm ---@sneakypete

Hunter Biden is an adult; he can do whatever he wants, honest or not.  When a child becomes an adult, he is on his own.  A father or mother is not responsible for an adult child.

We have nothing "official" as to what was/is on Hunter's computer.  When charges are filed against Hunter due to what was on his computer, we will know what was/or is, there, IF there are any charges.

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HorseHillary! He is peddling influence,and his father gets a cut.


--- Quote from: sneakypete on June 22, 2021, 10:16:20 pm ---@Victoria33
HorseHillary! He is peddling influence,and his father gets a cut.

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@Cyber Liberty

Take your proof to the "cops".  Now, the big thing is he has turned artist and is selling his paintings and people are having a fit he is doing that.  He is an adult person who is selling his art. That is not a crime. I need money myself (did not realize I would live to 87), and if people would buy my paintings, I would surely paint and sell them.  Maybe he and I can have a double showing - his and my paintings.  Hmm, I wonder what his email address is??
Yes, the above is a joke, sort of.  A few years ago, I bought artist brushes, paints, art pencils, proper artist paper, canvas, easel to hold the paper/canvas, all the stuff one needs to do pencil drawings, and watercolor/oil paintings.

Then, I started writing the emergency book, and set the artist stuff aside.  Hmm, again, I wonder what Hunter's email address is??


--- Quote from: Victoria33 on June 22, 2021, 10:32:14 pm ---@sneakypete
@Cyber Liberty

Take your proof to the "cops".  Now, the big thing is he has turned artist and is selling his paintings and people are having a fit he is doing that.  He is an adult person who is selling his art. That is not a crime. I need money myself (did not realize I would live to 87), and if people would buy my paintings, I would surely paint and sell them.  Maybe he and I can have a double showing - his and my paintings.  Hmm, I wonder what his email address is??
Yes, the above is a joke, sort of.  A few years ago, I bought artist brushes, paints, art pencils, proper artist paper, canvas, easel to hold the paper/canvas, all the stuff one needs to do pencil drawings, and watercolor/oil paintings.

Then, I started writing the emergency book, and set the artist stuff aside.  Hmm, again, I wonder what Hunter's email address is??

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You said: "If there was even a hint of one of Trump's children doing a deal with, say Gazprom, and suggesting that Trump would get 10%, can you imagine the behavior of the press and the Democrats in Congress?"

There is an investigation into the "Trump Inauguration Committee" which includes Trump's daughter.


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