Author Topic: Israel’s top soldier must overcome Biden’s downgrade of the Iranian peril for fast action against a  (Read 186 times)

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Israel’s top soldier must overcome Biden’s downgrade of the Iranian peril for fast action against a nuclear-armed Iran
Jun 19, 2021 @ 14:17

IDF Chief Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi sets out for Washington on Saturday night, June 19 with the tall order of overcoming policy differences with the Biden administration on Iran.  His mission was further complicated by Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s assurance to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday, June 17, that Israel would not take the Americans by surprise. Defense Minister Benny Gantz went further to promise “quiet dialogue” before any Israeli action.

These assurances were delivered to the Biden administration before they were cleared by the incoming security cabinet, which holds its first meeting on Sunday, after the IDF chief arrives in Washington. But meanwhile, the US landed a surprise in the form of a Wall Street Journal report that the US was downsizing its air defense forces in the Middle East, in view of “progress” made in the Vienna negotiating track for the US return to the 2015 nuclear accord. President Joe Biden has clearly decided that the Iranian nuclear threat has receded enough to withdraw Patriot and other air defense systems, air force squadrons and their crews from the Middle East, especially from Saudi Arabia, and the time had come to pivot towards “great power conf