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Smith & Wesson CEO gives grim insight into future of ammo shortage
June 19, 2021 | Vivek Saxena

An ammunition shortage that began during the coronavirus pandemic and the heated 2020 election reportedly continues to plague manufacturers as Americans remain committed to stockpiling as many guns and as much ammo as possible.

“It’s widely known the ammunition shortages continue. There is still a lot of interest in firearms,” Smith & Wesson CEO Mark Smith said this week to Fox Business Network.

The data backs his statement.

A survey conducted by the market research firm Southwick Associates in April found that, out of 1,800 ammo customers surveyed, 75 percent had already experienced out-of-stock issues this year, down by only 5 percent from the record high recorded in 2020.

“Of these respondents, 79% reported either fully or partially reducing their target shooting and hunting outings as a result of depleted ammunition shelves. Going forward, ammunition demand is expected to remain high,” the firm, which specializes in outdoor activities, announced in a press release last month.

“Nearly two-thirds of ammunition consumers report their current ammunition inventory was lower than they would prefer. When asked how much more ammunition they would like to have on hand, 43% reported ‘much more’ while 38% reported ‘a little more.’ Only 17% were satisfied with the amounts they currently had on hand,” it added.

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Re: Smith & Wesson CEO gives grim insight into future of ammo shortage
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2021, 01:38:28 pm »
“Of these respondents, 79% reported either fully or partially reducing their target shooting and hunting outings as a result of depleted ammunition shelves.

I absolutely did, ammo shortage combined with a "spend no extra money" until I climb out of last year's hole.
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Re: Smith & Wesson CEO gives grim insight into future of ammo shortage
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2021, 01:51:17 pm »
79% reported either fully or partially reducing their target shooting and hunting outings
We don't hunt, but haven't been to the range in many months. I'm willing to use no more than 30 rounds of 9mm for target practice at this point, until I can get my hands on a few more boxes (unless I shoot with my father's old WWII .22 High-Standard, for which I seem to have plenty of ammo).
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Offline Elderberry

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Re: Smith & Wesson CEO gives grim insight into future of ammo shortage
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2021, 02:07:14 pm »
We don't hunt, but haven't been to the range in many months. I'm willing to use no more than 30 rounds of 9mm for target practice at this point, until I can get my hands on a few more boxes (unless I shoot with my father's old WWII .22 High-Standard, for which I seem to have plenty of ammo).

I love those High-Standard .22s. When I was at the U of H they said I needed to take at least one athletics course to graduate. So I took an ROTC "Problem Analysis and Decision Making" course that counted. Tuesday was lecture, but Thursdays was Pistol Marksmanship using High-Standard .22s. We shot under the Hofheinz Pavilion. I've always wanted to pick one up.

I'm down to only about 800 rds of Eley Match ammo left from a case I picked up from CMP.

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Re: Smith & Wesson CEO gives grim insight into future of ammo shortage
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2021, 11:51:13 pm »
I love those High-Standard .22s. When I was at the U of H they said I needed to take at least one athletics course to graduate. So I took an ROTC "Problem Analysis and Decision Making" course that counted. Tuesday was lecture, but Thursdays was Pistol Marksmanship using High-Standard .22s. We shot under the Hofheinz Pavilion. I've always wanted to pick one up.

I could kick myself for giving mine (shorter 4 1/2 barrow) to a nephew that didn't have the sense God gave him... (he sold it).... Painful to think about now.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2021, 11:53:12 pm by Sighlass »
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Re: Smith & Wesson CEO gives grim insight into future of ammo shortage
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2021, 12:33:52 am »
I could kick myself for giving mine (shorter 4 1/2 barrow) to a nephew that didn't have the sense God gave him... (he sold it).... Painful to think about now.

Well, when my parents divorced my mother sold several of my Dad's hunting rifles in a garage sale; some had been in the family for quite awhile.  Sheer spite! 
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Re: Smith & Wesson CEO gives grim insight into future of ammo shortage
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2021, 02:26:07 am »
Well, when my parents divorced my mother sold several of my Dad's hunting rifles in a garage sale; some had been in the family for quite awhile.  Sheer spite!
After My FIL passed all his guns went to his son, who also got the house when his mom passed. What did the three daughters get you ask? Some beat up old furniture and some dishes. Don't get me started on Midwest values, and don't get me wrong It's not that I'm greedy or jealous, I'm outraged that three children got the proverbial shaft because they were girls.

Oh yeah the discussion turned to guns, my FIL had his service 1911 which was in good shape because he was a bomber pilot trainer and never saw combat, numerous hunting rifles from 30-30 to 30-06 and 25-06 and a really sweet Ruger mark one with a very light trigger competition walnut grips and a compensator...put em in the Xring every time. Who knows the way my BIL takes care of himself, diabetic and at least 125# overweight, the two older sisters might get their share after all.

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Re: Smith & Wesson CEO gives grim insight into future of ammo shortage
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2021, 12:07:19 pm »
After my father's death, my mother had his U.S. Navy-issued High-Standard. For a while, my alcoholic clinically depressed brother was taking it to an indoor range occasionally. I cautioned my mother that someone as depressed and mentally unbalanced as he probably shouldn't have access to a firearm. When she passed, one of the first things I did was grab that gun. No red flag law needed.
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Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?