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Boy WoW! Those NeverTrumps really taught us a lesson

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--- Quote from: Absalom on June 19, 2021, 04:06:12 pm ---The media promotes Trump from self interest while for Plain People w/real lives to live,
he is a fading seventyish, out of sight and out of mind.

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Desperation is never pretty,comrade.


--- Quote from: Absalom on June 19, 2021, 10:20:05 pm -------------------------------------
Agree they despise him, yet their objective is to use him as a foil to capture attention.
The core (and only) objective of the media is to fatten their wallets and they
will employ any tool/technique to achieve this, be it praise or contempt!!!
PS. I no longer vote as politics/politicians are  way below trash; all of them.
I grasped this reality some 50 yeas ago. Best wishes!!!

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HorseHillary! The mainstream media in this country,who for all intents and purposes ARE the media in this country,are all owned by a small handful of Billionaire globalists whose goal is to enslave the entire damn world and be our masters.

The "reporters" that work for them are either true believers themselves,or hacks that would pimp out their mothers if there was money in it. Anyone else would be fired before they put in their first week. Reporters are like any other employee at any other job. You please your boss or you find yourself unemployed.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: sneakypete on June 20, 2021, 06:20:16 am ---@Absalom

HorseHillary! The mainstream media in this country,who for all intents and purposes ARE the media in this country,are all owned by a small handful of Billionaire globalists whose goal is to enslave the entire damn world and be our masters.

The "reporters" that work for them are either true believers themselves,or hacks that would pimp out their mothers if there was money in it. Anyone else would be fired before they put in their first week. Reporters are like any other employee at any other job. You please your boss or you find yourself unemployed.

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pointing-up  THIS! :yowsa:

@sneakypete the socialist/anarchist leftist malcontents have gone for so long unchallenged, and even feted by the media, that I do not think they will be able to properly adjust when they finally go too far & provoke the proper response by the object of their contempt, if you know what I mean.

Both of us look forward to that day.


--- Quote from: 240B on June 19, 2021, 12:49:50 pm ---Eat it. Nothing to say except Eat It. Shove it down your retarded Liberal idiotic stupid gullets.
Champaign fore Everyone! The Evil Trump is gone! Now, here is your cheese...

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MEH. So easily distracted.
The point s not what the Democrats are doing NOW. The point is that, as always, putting Republicans in power changes nothing. How much should they have rolled back while they could, though they didn't. Not a bit of it, whether Tumpy or not.

And putting them in power again will yield the same damn thing - NOTHING.


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