Author Topic: Lab Origins of the Biden Alliance  (Read 149 times)

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Lab Origins of the Biden Alliance
« on: June 18, 2021, 11:34:53 am »
American Thinker By Edward R. Zuckerbrod 6/18/2021

Take careful note of the way the Biden Alliance frantically scrambles to re-write history and backfill the gaping holes they’ve left in the public’s understanding of COVID-19’s obscure origins. It is a drill you’ll be witnessing again and again in the coming months as its suppressive hold on vital facts covering many topics relevant to the 2020 election slowly loosen, and more of ex-President Trump’s supposedly insane assertions on those controversial matters are proven not so crazy after all.

The Biden Alliance of course refers to the now well documented ongoing Democrat collaboration with the overwhelming majority of the print and broadcast media, the upper tiers of the permanent federal bureaucracy and of course, the universities and education establishment. It enjoys the financial backing of many newly-woke banks and large corporations. Always on call are the enormous resources of Big Tech, Big Pharma, the corporate medical giants, and --- shades of the Weimar Republic --- storm-trooper street muscle provided by radical anarchist groups such as Antifa, BLM and various other purveyors of social mayhem. Add in possible complicity in widespread voter fraud, and the comprehensive nature of this freakish special purpose consortium makes one wonder how the 2020 presidential contest ever ended so damn close?

I submit it’s the influence of the Chinese Communist Party; its willingness to purchase fealty with ‘investment” today and promises of continued largesse in the future for those who’ll abandon national pride and interest, overlook CCP predations, and just play ball. Implicit in the outstretched hand though is always a threat: go against our interests and you’ll be out in the cold, unable to partake in the future economic bounties that come with cooperation.

Ever since Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger established relations with the communist regime in 1972, we’ve proceeded from the wrongheaded assumption grounded in conceit that “engagement” with our superior way of life will lead to liberalization and a loosening of China’s dictatorial methods and mercantilist outlook. Instead, just the opposite has occurred: buck-chasing American businessmen, financiers and click-obsessed Tech Masters have been seduced by the lure of a benign China that exists only in their dreams of avarice. A China whose seeming technological prowess in the fields of surveillance and behavior control dovetails quite nicely with the consumer habit-shaping aims of American corporate behemoths. Whether it’s choosing a government or shampoo, to them it’s all pretty much the same game: determining peoples’ next moves,  choices and compliance. Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Bill Gates, et al probably have far more to discuss with Xi Jinping than they ever could possibly have had with Donald Trump.
