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Mass-produced floating nuclear reactors use super-safe molten salt fuel

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--- Quote from: thackney on June 17, 2021, 05:58:39 pm ---Like US Navy Carriers and Subs?

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Of course there have never been any accidents.....


--- Quote from: Bigun on June 17, 2021, 05:49:49 pm ---Here's a link to a pretty good article on the subject if you care to read it:

From the article linked above:

I agree with that IF they are allowed to!

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I believe that is a different technology.  NuScale Power Module's are not using molten salt systems.


--- Quote from: thackney on June 17, 2021, 06:04:06 pm ---I believe that is a different technology.  NuScale Power Module's are not using molten salt systems.

--- End quote ---

I think the article talks about all kinds of newer designs.  It's long but worth the time invested IMHO.


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