Author Topic: The US military is tearing itself apart over ‘wokeness’ and it’s only helping America’s enemies  (Read 617 times)

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The US military is tearing itself apart over ‘wokeness’ and it’s only helping America’s enemies

There is no 'woke' military.

By Jeff Schogol June 12, 2021


The US military is tearing itself apart over ‘wokeness’ and it’s only helping America’s enemies

It started with Fox News personality Tucker Carlson’s rant that the Air Force’s new maternity uniforms are proof that President Joe Biden is feminizing the military.

“Pregnant women are going to fight our wars,” Carlson said during a March 9 episode of his show. “It’s a mockery of the U.S. military. While China’s military becomes more masculine, as it’s assembled the world’s largest navy, our military needs to become – as Joe Biden says – more feminine, whatever feminine means anymore, since men and women no longer exist.”

Perhaps in saner times, most Americans would have seen Tucker’s attack on the U.S. military as an affront to the men and women who have put service to the nation above themselves. But this is 2021 and we live in a toxic hellscape ruled by 24/7 cable news, social media, and amoral politicians.

Unscrupulous demagogues both in and out of government saw that Carlson’s polemic about how the military needs to remain masculine played well with Americans who may love the troops but have little understanding of who they are or why they serve.

Offline AARguy

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The military is in trouble alright. The racist CRT instruction so damaging our children today has found its way into our military academies. CRT is a disease that eats away at the traditional pride and sanctity of the principles upon the which the USA was founded. And now its rampant in the most patriotic of our institutions... the military. Instead of being preoccupied with the defense of America, instead of focusing on the threats our enemies pose... the military is concentrating on how snowflakes get offended within its own ranks. Its more than sad... its dangerous.