Author Topic: The Unbearable Lightweightness of Kamala Harris  (Read 126 times)

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The Unbearable Lightweightness of Kamala Harris
« on: June 11, 2021, 11:47:39 am »
American Thinker by J. Robert Smith 6/11/2021

It’s faint praise at best to describe someone as not smart or dumb.  In fact, I don’t know that Kamala Harris is dumb.  She may have brains, but she doesn’t much show them.  She comes across as a woman who’s well over her head, and that should disturb anyone who cares about the welfare and safety of the nation.  After all, this Californian who spent a chunk of her formative years in Montreal is, as the cliché goes, “a heartbeat away from the presidency.”

Harris mouths talking points and reads from scripts like a robot.  She often displays an inappropriate, grating cackle-of-a-laugh, which suggests nervousness and lack of confidence.  Her recent interview with Lester Holt was sophomoric.  Does anyone not think that profilers in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea aren’t taking copious notes?  Wonder if tyrants Xi Jinping and Vlad Putin wake up in cold sweats at night dreading Harris’ ascendency to the presidency?  Key question is, does the long corrupted and daft Joe Biden have enough gas in his tank to stay president for the full ride?

Word is that Biden fancies himself an uber “progressive” who aims to surpass Wilson, FDR, and the corrupted and vain LBJ.  Biden wants to leave his lefty forerunners in the dust, hypercentralizing government and whacking away at our God-given constitutional rights on an eyepopping scale, thereby catapulting him into the pantheon of great white lib presidents.  Not that we’ll hold Biden’s whiteness against him.  And not that Joe expects a statue erected anywhere in his honor.  The living memorial to Joe is his vaunted son, Hunter.  Okay, so, we won’t go there.   

We’re not quite sure if Biden’s illusion of grandeur is a product of his deteriorating mind or predates it.  From the time Joe was a young whippersnapper in the U.S. Senate, he was a man stuffed with conceits. In his salad days, he was vindictive, snarky, and bullying (traits he shares with Harris).  Remember the “high-tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas?  You’d think that antiracist Biden would have shown tons of respect and deference for a soul brother.  Otherwise, at very best, Joe served as a mediocre for years in a body that views mediocrity as a resumé enhancement.

Yet, as FDR is reputed to have said about a disreputable politician, “He may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.”

As strange as this seems, Joe is our son of a bitch.  Politics, as they say, makes for strange bedfellows.  Okay, not that we’re jumping into bed with Biden or care to, so let’s put this another way.  For the time being, Biden is like a tree fallen across a road.  His handlers have to work around him to try to enact the Democrats’ fiendish agenda.  That’s a tougher challenge than you might believe.   
