Author Topic: Yahoo News Is Wrong, Western Drought Is Neither Historic, nor Linked to Climate Change  (Read 330 times)

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Yahoo News Is Wrong, Western Drought Is Neither Historic, nor Linked to Climate Change
H. Sterling Burnett -
June 8, 2021 1

Yahoo News is promoting the false claim that human climate change is responsible for a historic drought covering California and the Western United States.

Although drought conditions have persisted for a couple of years now across portions of the Western United States, droughts in the dry West are common and research shows much larger, longer-term droughts have occurred there historically. Because current conditions are not outside the historic records of drought, there is no evidence human greenhouse gas emissions are contributing the current drought.

In a story, titled, “California and much of the American West face mega-drought brought on by climate change,” Yahoo New claims “Thanks in part to rising temperatures due to climate change, “extreme” or “exceptional” drought conditions are now occurring in 74 percent of the state of California, while 72 percent of the Western U.S. is classified as experiencing “severe” drought, according to data from the U.S. Drought Monitor.”