Author Topic: REVIEW: HBO’s ‘Exterminate All The Brutes’ is Riddled With Revisionist Marxist Falsehoods.  (Read 188 times)

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REVIEW: HBO’s ‘Exterminate All The Brutes’ is Riddled With Revisionist Marxist Falsehoods.

    June 6, 2021Brian Almon

Oscar-nominated filmmaker Raoul Peck’s anti-West documentary is a sick retelling of history seeking to portray white Europeans as Planet Earth’s greatest monsters. Despite a pretense of originality, HBO’s four-episode miniseries regurgitates the same, tired, anti-white and anti-American blood libels common in far-left discourse for nearly half a century.

Peck based the documentary on just three sources: Sven Lindqvist’s book also titled Exterminate All the Brutes, which claims that white Europeans invented the concept of genocide; Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, which recasts American history as the deliberate genocide of the Native Americans, and Howard Zinn’s 1980 A People’s History of the United States, which revises U.S. history by looking at it through a Marxist worldview.

Peck seeks to deconstruct the traditional view of Western history in favor of one that fetishizes the suffering of native peoples at the hands of white Europeans. He claims that by referring to the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World in 1492 as a “discovery,” we erase the entire history of indigenous people until that point.

Offline goatprairie

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500 years ago it was a world full of people conquering people from other nations and killing as many of them as possible. No continent except Australia and Antarctica was spared slaughter.
Things have improved quite a bit since then. Although the last century featured people of many different ethnicities slaughtering their fellow humans, some of the really bad people were punished for their atrocities..i.e. Hitler who murdered millions of Europeans and the Japanese who slaughtered millions of Asians.
However, some murderous villains were never properly punished for their crimes. Stalin and the communists in the SU and Mao and his cronies in China. They all slaughtered millions of people  as did the Nazis and Japanese militarists but mostly in their own countries.
Stalin and Mao were communists, Marxists. Guess what ideology Peck, the documentarian of this stupid flick, identifies with? That's right.....he's a Marxist.
No Marxist atrocities documented in the flick? What a shock.
Peck is nothing more than another commie fraud and a racist one at that.