Author Topic: BREAKING VIDEO: President of El Salvador Busts Biden on Freebie Incentives for Illegal Immigrants  (Read 271 times)

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BREAKING VIDEO: President of El Salvador Busts Biden on Freebie Incentives for Illegal Immigrants
Jun 7, 2021

In an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele criticized the Biden regime for implementing policies that incentivize Central Americans to make the arduous trek through Mexico and into the United States. President Bukele brought up the need to understand the fundamental role of incentives in encouraging or discouraging certain behaviors.

President Bukele mentioned the reality of migrants weighing the pros and cons of making the risky journey to the United States border and that the Biden regime, with its promises of handouts of many varieties even for illegal migrants, overweighted the pros side and made many thousands commit to the dangerous journey that they would not have otherwise.

Joe Biden is like all the other politicians…he’s a flip-flopper. He raised his hand at the Democratic debates to say he’d give healthcare to illegals, but now he’s trying to backpedal and rephrase what he said. In true Biden style, he dug a deeper hole for himself!