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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #175 on: June 09, 2021, 07:21:51 pm »

Who fits your "lofty" standards?

Well I was ready to vote for Cruz a while back... Last election I had no choice.
As for who else, I don't know who is running yet. And until someone is running, I do not do vetting beyond an occasional ACU rating, or some such...

Not that it matters  - It is not only the president where standards are required - It is the whole damn show. Anyone you put in the presidency is going to be ineffective so long as there are more RINOs than Conservatives in congress.

So a mindset toward Conservative orthodoxy needs to be applied across the board.

No prince will do what you think Tumpy can do. No single man ever will.
And you don't go to war with the army you have, unless you have built an army capable of going to war.

It is a whole-house problem; and requires a whole-house solution.

And that solution is a return to Conservative orthodoxy. Conservatism as it touches politics is an agreement between factions to support each other, providing that each of the faction's immovable principles are being defended. If you want to win elections AND win effectively at passing laws that steer this country right-ward, that agreement needs to be attended.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #176 on: June 09, 2021, 08:11:58 pm »
Actually it is very rational. You vote for the lesser evil and then wonder why you got evil. It isn't that hard. Until enough people have the courage to not vote for the lesser evil giving in to their fear nothing will change. That lesser evil doesn't have to perform any better because they already own your vote. That should be obvious by just by reviewing the last 30 years of voting for the lesser evil and what you got in return.

So you'd rather not vote at all so you can be surprised that the most evil of the candidates is now controlling the food ration card you didn't know existed before you didn't vote.

That's how it works in the real world, without the pithy but empty aphorisms.
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Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #177 on: June 09, 2021, 08:16:10 pm »


Ahhhh,I see your problem with him now. You are pissed he didn't allow the DNC to be his co-President!

Did you ever notice that he's NOT pissed that the RINOs in House and Senate did everything they could to help the Rodents impede The Best President Ever and hurt the US?

He's from a state that elected Trump but put a Rodent in the US Senate the next election.   Makes one wonder...
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #178 on: June 09, 2021, 08:23:17 pm »

A good summation of the lose-lose scenario.  With the Rats in perfect lockstep today, there is no way to pass conservative legislation without watering it down so any laws passed will be worthless.

But it's "Trump's Fault" when nothing gets done.

And all the normals have noticed that "bipartisanship" is only a good thing when it gives Rodent Presidents and Usurpers more control over Americans and makes America less safe.   No calls for "bipartisanship" came from the media during the Trump Administration except to encourage s(p)its like Romney to vote for fake impeachments.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #179 on: June 09, 2021, 08:24:24 pm »
Excellent response @Mesaclone. I’m sure you know the stock response to your very rational reply will be along the lines of ‘well if trump had been a statesman he could’ve overcome those obstacles with leadership skills’. In spite of the obvious fact leadership skills, even of the executive, count for nothing where members of both parties as well as the entire bureaucracy itself are busy grabbing with both hands. As if the corrupt can be swayed by patriotic appeals.

I have on good authority, found in this very thread, that Statesmen don't do mere politics.  Politics is EBIL!
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #180 on: June 09, 2021, 08:25:42 pm »
Which makes EO's the only viable option for a conservative leader if they hope to in any way advance conservatism. It is a dysfunctional way to govern, and apt to use by liberals in similar fashion....but there is no practical alternative. We have to realize that this fight is becoming about more than just filibusters and legislation...we've entered a cultural battle that is a true historical Turning Point. We will either go Left or Right...this middle course cannot endure. There are a LOT of parallels to the late Roman Republic that I won't get into...but any good conservative should read their Cicero and Plutarch. We are heading for an explosive political endpoint and as conservatives we'd better be ready or we'll be waltzing into a  Russia 1917 scenario.

For the record. I see roamer_1 as our very own Cato. Moral. Obstinate. Correct. But impractical and prone to tilting at windmills. God bless has obstinacy and vision but we are in a bitter fight that requires more than rigidity...we must tactically sound and capable of longer term strategic choices. Not compromise...wisdom.

Cato wasn't afraid to call a stolen election a stolen election.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #181 on: June 09, 2021, 08:26:42 pm »
@roamer_1 last post in the thread and THEN I'm out.

As it turns out, my last reply to @sneakypete applies directly to your comments here too @Mesaclone
Pragmatism (populism) has wrought this. When you gather around princes rather than principles, this condition is what you get.

Your premise is wrong. Had it been President Desantis or President Cruz...or President Hawley or President Cotton. They, like Trump, would have had only one viable political avenue for change open to them...Executive Order. In the past....say the 80's and 90's...maybe it WAS possible to push conservative legislation through with some Dem support. In TODAY's political environment, this was not an option for President Trump...nor would it have been for anyone else in his shoes. President Trump pushed...beyond...the limits of what was politically achievable. WAY beyond...I honestly can't think of any other conservative who could have achieved as much for conservatism in the White House. And yes, much of it was via EO and can be reversed...but an EO was the ONLY POSSIBLE OPTION in nearly every case in which he used it. It wasn't EO or was EO or nothing. No wall construction etcetera unless the EO was used and that principle applies to a host of other issues from 2017-2021. Period.

No, my premise is damn well right.
To begin, the buck stops at the top. The fault of the last four years inevitably must be laid at Tump's door. He donned the mantle. It is his responsibility to lead - And inherent in leading is being able to build coalitions and getting people to follow. Any businessman will tell you that 'my way or the highway' is a nuclear option. That is not how it is done day to day. To lead, people must be convinced to follow. One way or another, Tumpy did not get that done.

BUT, and this is a big hairy but, all y'all didn't give him a single chance in hell of getting that done, because all y'all have been pulling for the 'Big Rhinestone R', and in essence, any old 'R' will do, so long as it's not a Democrat. You have filled the state houses and Congress with RINOs that have an agenda opposed to Conservatism. In that, I recognize your primary argument that 'poor little Tumpy can't help it' - In effect, that is true. And that is your fault in the greater context, but he gets to take the blame for not being able to work with the damn little you gave him, as he said he could... All of the above already predicted by me, and other hard core Conservatives many, many times, in reams of the record here.

Can you hear me now?

Dammit, the answer is Conservative orthodoxy, not chasing after princes. Not populism. Congress matters more than the presidency, and state houses matter more than congress. You need bottom-up country wide, every conservative organization, outlet, and device, preaching Conservatism. Not partisanship, and certainly not princes.

It does not matter a single whit what the Democrats are doing if you cannot stop them. And it matters not a single whit how much you love your prince if he cannot govern. All of the above requires NOT the 'army you have', but rather, the army you build, one that is every bit in lockstep as the Democrats are. Ad the only answer to liberalism uncontained, is pure, raw, unwatered Conservatism, straight out of the ground, and in strength at every level of government. That is what the TEA party was doing. and that is what needs to be done.

You don't need a Tump orthodoxy (which is where you are going now), you need a Conservative orthodoxy. You don't need compromise to get democrat votes. You need orthodoxy to build Conservative votes.

This dyed in the wool die hard Conservative was in the TEA up to my neck. Why won't I give y'all the time of day? Because what you are doing will fail. By the numbers. You can't wag the dog. It already HAS FAILED.

Ironically, he could have gotten more legislation passed had he been more willing to go full compromise with Dem Left and give them much of what they wanted...but then you'd have called him a traitor to conservatism and a Big city liberal (which you do anyway so I guess no loss for him on your account). 

He already did that anyway. Every one of those megaporkulus bills were chock full of greasy liberal left wing treats. Go read em. Written as LAW, not EOs. They stay, and the EOs are mostly gone. That is exactly what your (y'all) strategy has wrought. And that is why, alongside his EO candy, his administration was aligned with big city liberals in LAW. What we get to keep went LEFT, man. And there is no way you can deny it.

So governing by EO, as predicted, is utterly useless - Worthless but for populist appeal. A fantasy full of unicorn reams... The reality is the stuff we get to keep. And that changed leftward, not to the right.

And you know what, I'd have agreed with you. But that's not what happened. So, given that President Trump had no power to get MORE conservative legislation...and that you absolutely would have opposed him doing a great "compromise" with the Left to get legislation...what the hell other course was open to him as President other than EO's.

That's the point. He could not do what he said he could. It was impossible from the get-go as Conservative stalwarts here saw plainly. That's the problem with putting all your chips on a prince. and that's where y'all need a change in direction... What you are doing is exactly what is wrong.

Our next GOP President, be it Trump or Desantis or Hawley or Cotton...will face the same dilemma. Folks like you, roamer, will be breathing down his neck to move the conservative agenda forward NOW....and yet President's have no power to do so in THIS political climate without a 60 vote majority in the Senate. So this next President will have a choice of; Use EO's to achieve what can be achieved knowing that's an impermanent solution, Compromise with Left to get legislation that will be anything but genuinely conservative, or go full dictator.  That's it. The days of "Reagan charming and bullying his way to get conservative legislation" passed are gone...that is not achievable in this environment.

Precisely so. WHY? Because them damn dirty Conservatives won't compromise their filthy principles(tm) so we can get things done, right?

When actually, it is the other way around. Y'all have to STOP compromising. Stop chasing after princes and trying to make Conservatism fit your cause. That ain't how it works. Raise the Conservative standard, not the Tumpian one. Make the Liberty Caucus a power to be reckoned with at the very least, and you need WAY more than what, maybe five real Conservative senators. Howabout twenty if you can't get fifty? That's the direction you need to be going in,

You don't get there kissing the ring. You get there raising the standard (in both meanings of the word)

My point is this. You've set a standard for President Trump that no other Republican could ever one short of Jesus Christ could get done what you want done. I'm all for getting conservative issues addressed and legislated....but damn...President's are not magicians. They can only do what CAN be done. What you seem to want is the old Roman trick of electing a dictator for one year who simply reforms and shapes all legislation to conservative perfection (see Cincinnatus)...and then peacefully steps down. That's not a reasonable or even rational standard in today's political environment.

No... Sadly, in effect, Cincinnatus is what you are doing. Or expecting, in assuming the only thing you can do is relying on your prince to exercise dictatorial powers by EO for his short season... While the band plays on. Pardon friend, but you are projecting.

I have not put such a standard on the president. That IS the standard of the Presidency. And you'll note the very same demand for excellence throughout, not just on the president. We need statesmen, not politicians. True believers, not compromises.

What army can beat a liberal orthodox army moving in lockstep? Only one thing: A Conservative orthodox army moving in lockstep...

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #182 on: June 09, 2021, 08:31:28 pm »
Well I was ready to vote for Cruz a while back... Last election I had no choice.

You had the choice of voting for President Trump or for some hair-sniffing senile old Rodent pervert who was locked up in his basement.

You made your choice.   Pretending you didn't make a choice simply because you didn't have it in you to support the most pro-American candidate since Reagan doesn't mean you didn't have a choice.  It means you're ashamed that you didn't make a better choice than what you did.

But Biden's effort to steal the election was successful even without your vote.

One doesn't "return to conservatism" by doing nothing to stop the enemy.    Kinda like how the Jews were morally opposed to the National Socialists but couldn't bring themselves to getting guns until it was too late for that. 

Thanks for your help, pal.

Remember what happened to Quisling.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #183 on: June 09, 2021, 08:34:37 pm »
As it turns out, my last reply to @sneakypete applies directly to your comments here too @Mesaclone
Pragmatism (populism) has wrought this. When you gather around princes rather than principles, this condition is what you get.

No, my premise is damn well right.
To begin, the buck stops at the top. The fault of the last four years inevitably must be laid at Tump's door. He donned the mantle. It is his responsibility to lead - And inherent in leading is being able to build coalitions and getting people to follow. Any businessman will tell you that 'my way or the highway' is a nuclear option. That is not how it is done day to day. To lead, people must be convinced to follow. One way or another, Tumpy did not get that done.

Only if you accept the Rodent Truman's false characterization of how a major government functions.

A president can't sign bills that don't get to his desk.

And a president can't get the bills he wants on his desk if his own party is full of pretend Principled Conservatives (TM) who are most interested in stopping the President from accomplishing anything that could be termed a success for the next election cycle.

We know how you feel about mean tweets.  That's a really important index of success.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #184 on: June 09, 2021, 08:43:39 pm »
These people act as if a football team only had a quarterback or a baseball team only a pitcher, and the other members of the team share no blame when they lose the game.

How childish.

What a shallow understanding of the world.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #185 on: June 09, 2021, 09:45:24 pm »
You had the choice of voting for President Trump or for some hair-sniffing senile old Rodent pervert who was locked up in his basement.

You made your choice.   

Your is no different than his and if you don't believe me, go look at the pporkulous signed into law the last four years.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #186 on: June 09, 2021, 09:54:30 pm »
Your is no different than his and if you don't believe me, go look at the pporkulous signed into law the last four years.


You made a choice to put your future ENTIRELY in the hands of the Rodents.

That's what happens when you choose to not make a choice.  You've still made a choice.

Isn't that a rush?

Just because you want to sit one out doesn't mean the Rodents will let you.

Now you have to first coup in history on your hands and you still want to play Pilate.   He decided to not make a choice, too.  Left his reputation in the hands of the mob.   Worked out well for him, they named an exercise system after him, or something.  Maybe just a wash basin.

You could have been 75,000,001, you know.   Would have made all the difference in public opinion now if we could have said "MORE THAN 75,000,000 Americans voted for Trump, more than any other candidate in history", but nooooo....somebody choose to not choose, and so we're stuck with only saying a mere 75,000,000 people.

Thanks, pal.

As for claiming the Third Obama term "big government" is no different than what Trump's second term would be...

...look at the effing border.

...look at how Germany is falling all over itself to give Putin head.

...look at how arrogant the Chinese and Iranians are.

The timing of the Hamas attack wasn't coincidental that there's a Usurper and a stolen presidential election. 

The Weimar Republic was taking Germany to hell in a express train.   Hitler swapped in cattle cars and lifetime vacations at Auschwitz.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2021, 09:58:23 pm by Sled Dog »
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #187 on: June 09, 2021, 09:57:32 pm »
Your is no different than his and if you don't believe me, go look at the pporkulous signed into law the last four years.

For the record, paraphrasing the honorable @HoustonSam above, You are our Cato.  Inflexible, yes, but that makes you the right compass.  Please never change, and never leave!
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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #188 on: June 09, 2021, 10:01:02 pm »

You made a choice to put your future ENTIRELY in the hands of the Rodents.

That's what happens when you choose to not make a choice.  You've still made a choice.

Isn't that a rush?

Just because you want to sit one out doesn't mean the Rodents will let you.

Now you have to first coup in history on your hands and you still want to play Pilate.   He decided to not make a choice, too.  Left his reputation in the hands of the mob.   Worked out well for him, they named an exercise system after him, or something.  Maybe just a wash basin.

You could have been 75,000,001, you know.   Would have made all the difference in public opinion now if we could have said "MORE THAN 75,000,000 Americans voted for Trump, more than any other candidate in history", but nooooo....somebody choose to not choose, and so we're stuck with only saying a mere 75,000,000 people.

Thanks, pal.

What utter pap.

There is no way in hell I am going to reward Tumpy and the Republican Party for spending 20 friggin trillion dollars. There is no way I will reward the destruction of millions of small businesses, including mine, with an endorsement. And if you don't like that, I really don't give a single sh*t.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #189 on: June 09, 2021, 10:05:52 pm »
For the record, paraphrasing the honorable @HoustonSam above, You are our Cato.  Inflexible, yes, but that makes you the right compass.  Please never change, and never leave!

The thing with compasses is, they only work if you follow them. Just carrying one around in your pocket doesn't help you at all. And I am more the mirror used to determine azimuth and that lets to see that the red is in the shed.

The compass itself is Conservatism.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #190 on: June 09, 2021, 10:09:40 pm »
For the record, paraphrasing the honorable @HoustonSam[/member] above, You are our Cato.  Inflexible, yes, but that makes you the right compass.  Please never change, and never leave!

And by the way, I believe that was @Mesaclone , believe it or not ... And a fine compliment from a most worthy opponent.

Offline Sled Dog

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #191 on: June 09, 2021, 10:16:29 pm »
The thing with compasses is, they only work if you follow them. Just carrying one around in your pocket doesn't help you at all. And I am more the mirror used to determine azimuth and that lets to see that the red is in the shed.

The compass itself is Conservatism.


Compasses work whether you follow them or not.    The choice to stay lost in the woods when one has a compass is a personal choice.

Just like how people choose to let Biden steal the election with the most massive vote fraud operation in history.  You'd a thunk that all real Americans would hear that call to go vote, and all real Americans did.   They had a clear compass and FOLLOWED IT.

Others had an equally clear compass and kept their ballot in their pocket.

Refusing to make a choice is not heroic, nor is it respectable.   

It's cowardly.

And in the end, they still made a choice.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #192 on: June 09, 2021, 10:19:10 pm »
What utter pap.

There is no way in hell I am going to reward Tumpy and the Republican Party for spending 20 friggin trillion dollars. There is no way I will reward the destruction of millions of small businesses, including mine, with an endorsement. And if you don't like that, I really don't give a single sh*t.


So you wanted to have a billion Mexicans flooding our border.

Good for you.

You showed the Ebil Orange Man, didncha?   Now we have a genuine Orangeman in the White House, because of an election that was stolen.

America is proud of you, sir.   

At least the real Cato recognized his Republic's REAL enemies.   

I guess modern Cato's need better glasses than were available in the Second Century BC? 
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #193 on: June 09, 2021, 10:54:15 pm »
And by the way, I believe that was @Mesaclone , believe it or not ... And a fine compliment from a most worthy opponent.

Well I'll reiterate @Cyber Liberty 's expression of the the sentiment anyway.  When we need a North Star for Conservatism in all its dimensions, not only the political, we need look no father than @roamer_1 .
James 1:20

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #194 on: June 09, 2021, 11:55:00 pm »
Well I'll reiterate @Cyber Liberty 's expression of the the sentiment anyway.  When we need a North Star for Conservatism in all its dimensions, not only the political, we need look no father than @roamer_1 .

In your case @HoustonSam , you need look no further than your nearest mirror. There ain't much of nothing I could tell you that you don't all ready know

And I thank you for your kindness.  :beer:

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #195 on: June 10, 2021, 01:15:34 am »

For the record. I see roamer_1 as our very own Cato. Moral. Obstinate. Correct. But impractical and prone to tilting at windmills. 

I think you nailed it with that post!
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #196 on: June 10, 2021, 01:40:41 am »
I think you nailed it with that post!

Except that I am not the one tilting at windmills.

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #197 on: June 10, 2021, 02:18:19 am »
Except that I am not the one tilting at windmills.


Un,huh. If you say so.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #198 on: June 10, 2021, 03:03:05 am »
There is no way in hell I am going to reward Tumpy and the Republican Party for spending 20 friggin trillion dollars. There is no way I will reward the destruction of millions of small businesses, including mine, with an endorsement. And if you don't like that, I really don't give a single sh*t.

Of course no reward to Trump or Republicans, its the democrats that have done what Republicans have done and worse that get a pass.  The steady demonizing and trashing of Republ9icans and Trump, and the void of the same for Democrats make it clear what a wolf in sheeps clothing is really going on.  Heavy criticism of Trump, daily,  very small passive slights towards democrats as they direct this nation towards destruction.  This is a deep stater psy-op,and I.Q. test that people either fail miserably, or are actually in bed with. Its just too easy to see whats really going on here.

Wow, for all the endless times of NeverTrumping, to his great detriment, it's just amazing how many times you have NEVERBIDEN-ED.  AS YOU POSTURE EQUAL TREATMENT, HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU DEMONIZED AND NEVERBIDEN-ED HERE ? DON'T BE SHY AND BASHFUL NOW, YOU HAVEN'T BEEN SHY AND BASHFUL BASHING TRUMP, YAH, KNOW.
NUMBER OF TIMES PLEASE ? Please, please, please !
Why do the equally treated democrats feel so pleased at this 'equal' treatment !
Biden slaughters small businesses in America shutting down the pipeline and suspending Constitutional rights using Chinese cod-vid imported here to further devastate our economy, but blame Trump,not democrats?  It's looking more and more like Derangement syndrome and political a whoring with denial thrown in for good measure, eh ?  Does the Chinese pay you or the DNC?
« Last Edit: June 10, 2021, 05:06:43 am by christian »
Card carrying member of the national F-Joe Biden movement, and his minions

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Re: David Marcus defines the New Right conservative movement
« Reply #199 on: June 10, 2021, 04:59:24 am »
Of course no reward to Trump or Republicans, its the democrats that have done what Republicans have done and worse that get a pass. 

No, they don't get a pass, and I don't vote for them either.

The steady demonizing and trashing of Republ9icans and Trump, and the void of the same for Democrats make it clear what a wolf in sheeps clothing is really going on.  Heavy criticism of Trump, daily,  very small passive slights towards democrats as they direct this nation towards destruction.  This is a deep stater psy-op,and I.Q. test that people either fail miserably, or are actually in bed with. Its just too easy to see whats really going on here.

Wow, for all the endless times of NeverTrumping, to his great detriment, it's just amazing how many times you have NEVERBIDEN-ED.  AS YOU POSTURE EQUAL TREATMENT, HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU DEMONIZED AND NEVERBIDEN-ED HERE ? DON'T BE SHY AND BASHFUL NOW, YOU HAVEN'T BEEN SHY AND BASHFUL BASHING TRUMP, YAH, KNOW.

I don't give a sh*t about Democrats. I give a sh*t about STOPPING democrats... For REAL... Not like y'all, who can't point to a single damn win. SOSDD. The very same as always. Hyphenated-Conservatism and partisan idiocy. Tub thumping and throwing poo. It's what you do.

Liberalism is winning because it has no opposition. That opposition is supposed to be you guys. And they ran you over the very same as Dubya. Temporary 'conservatism', gone in four years, with no wins, an liberalism written into LAW in the same four years... Moving the ball LEFT. Sommore.

And you are voting for more.