Author Topic: Can climbing and flying robots answer the old dilemma of military communications in dense, wet jun  (Read 182 times)

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Can climbing and flying robots answer the old dilemma of military communications in dense, wet jungle?

Robots must be tough enough to resist the effects of water and mud, slippery tree branches, drops and falls, jungle predators, and rough treatment.
John Keller
Jun 1st, 2021
Jungle Warfare 1 June 2021

THE MIL & AERO COMMENTARY – For infantry, fighting in the jungle never has been easy. It's hot, wet, buggy, hard to navigate, and full of potentially fatal microorganisms. Something else that can make jungle fighting a nightmare is communications -- or the lack of it.

Jungles are tropical rain forests; that's what makes jungle foliage so thick. It can rain in these regions every day, and sometimes days on end without end. It's just this combination -- persistent dripping-wet foliate -- that makes radio communications in the jungle such a problem. All those countless droplets of water coating everything attenuates radio signals to a surprising extent.

These conditions can make it nearly impossible for members of small military units to communicate with one another while operating in the jungle, much less for these small military forces to communicate with their commanders behind the lines.