Author Topic: NSCAI Commissioners on the Importance of AI and Its Ability to Reshape the Future Fight  (Read 120 times)

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NSCAI Commissioners on the Importance of AI and Its Ability to Reshape the Future Fight
April 29, 2021 | By Amy McCullough

The United States’ slim lead over China in artificial intelligence is rapidly closing, and “urgent action must be taken” to preserve U.S. competitiveness, warned leading members of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.

“The fact of the matter is, we’re in a technological competition with a technological peer or near peer, and we can lose it,” said Robert O. Work, vice chair of the NSCAI, at a virtual Atlantic Council event April 29. “The Chinese have made the judgment that the way they will supplant the United States as the dominant global power is to pursue technology and become the world’s technological engine, which will then empower both their economy as well as their military.”

Work said AI is poised to reshape industry, U.S. policy, and national security and that the lines between commercial and military uses are blurred. Established by the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, Work’s commission defines AI as “a constellation of technologies” with endless possibilities that will be incorporated into all future technology.