Author Topic: China's Act of War  (Read 116 times)

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Offline Sled Dog

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China's Act of War
« on: June 02, 2021, 01:30:49 am »
China's Act of War
The leak was accidental? OK.

Withholding information.

Lying about the origins.

Covering up the truth of the origin.

Not cooperating with world health authorities with vital information about the origin.

Allowing international travel in and out of China.

These are all deliberate acts. Nothing accidental about those. And, China continues to lie and cover up. Does that sound like the action of an innocent government entangled in a purely accidental mistake?

Also, why does a government need to go to such great lengths to lie and cover up an accident?

Accident or not, if the "lab leak theory" is true and is no longer considered a theory, we as a nation must grapple with the fact that a foreign country has maliciously acted and killed hundreds of thousands of our citizens and crippled our economy for over a year.

Destruction and death exponentially worse than the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Yes. This would fall under the category of an act of war.

The question is: What will we do about it?

Since China OWNS the Democrat Party and the Hussein Maggot with his hand shoved up Biden the Meat Puppet's Butt, we are going to do nothing about it.

What we should do is tally up the cost of the Weapon of Mass Destruction China hurled at the US and state categorically that the $10,000,000,000,000 dollars that the WMD cost us will be subtracted, immediately, from the share of the national debt China holds.  Do it without negotiations with China, just write the bill and sign it into law, in parallel with the submission to Congress of a formal request for a Declaration of War.

We need to get our manufacturing back inside our borders, people.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.