Author Topic: Gender ‘Nonconformity’ is the New Gender Conformity  (Read 250 times)

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Gender ‘Nonconformity’ is the New Gender Conformity
« on: May 31, 2021, 01:29:28 pm »
Gender ‘Nonconformity’ is the New Gender Conformity

By Tom Gilson Published on May 28, 2021
It was hard to understand at first. The survey said only 58% of Americans agree that “biological sex is binary.” That’s biological sex, not gender. That’s an unbelievable number. More than four-out-of-ten disagreed, or maybe weren’t sure. Either way, it’s strange.

The survey (PDF download) comes from Bigeye, a pro-transgender advertising agency. (I don’t recommend you draw strong conclusions from the anecdotes in that report.) The question was worded clearly enough: Agree or disagree, “biological sex is binary.” Maybe they missed the word “biological” in the question. Maybe they have a different take on what the question means. I take their disagreement on it to mean that they think a person’s body need not be either male or female, that this happens pretty much normally. That’s mind-boggling, that four-out-of-ten Americans can violate common sense so badly.

Folks, this is not news: There are girls and there are boys. There is no continuum, no in-between. Has anyone ever doubted that?

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Re: Gender ‘Nonconformity’ is the New Gender Conformity
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2021, 03:20:21 am »
We're now in bizarro world. Apparently, for the left there is no such thing as aberrant/mentally ill  behavior as regards sex.
The Nambla people will start agitating for more adult-child perversion. I'm waiting for the bestiality people to start their thing up. I mean why should dumb animals be deprived sexual pleasure?  22222frying pan