Author Topic: Biden uses intelligence community to shield China from accountability  (Read 190 times)

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When President Donald Trump told the world that COVID-19 might have emerged from a lab in Wuhan, China, last year, one common reaction was that of mocking disdain. Experts, many in the media, and Democrats rebuked Trump as having offered a conspiracy theory.

They say "time is a flat circle" for a reason. It appears the experts were wrong, and Trump was right.

This week, despite a report showing Chinese researchers fell ill at China's Wuhan Institute of Virology in Fall 2019, the Biden administration canceled a State Department investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Biden instead initiated a "90-day review" from the intelligence community and announced he would work with the World Health Organization and the Chinese government to learn the truth.

People should understand: President Joe Biden’s 90-day intelligence review of COVID-19's origins, and worse, his reliance on China and the WHO, amount to a sham. What we're witnessing here is a smoke screen designed to cover up the cancellation of what was a serious State Department inquiry. Instead, we've got a messaging ploy that the Biden administration, favorable to China, can better control...