Author Topic: Another example of the media’s escalation of the phony climate war  (Read 269 times)

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Another example of the media’s escalation of the phony climate war
By Joe Bastardi |May 28th, 2021|Climate|5 Comments

I can’t understand if its ignorance (ignoring countering arguments and facts), arrogance ( a belief that you are so above the argument that no one will call you on it, or if they do, few will know or care), or just flat out deception. But as forecasted in my book (I know it sounds like shameless hawking, but I made the point) as Covid faded Climate would come to the forefront as the Crisis that is right out of H.L Mencken’ quote:

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

In a way what you are seeing now in the climate issue is simply an amplified version of that. That it has a Marxist agenda as the true driver and is using climate and weather as a tool for it demands a response, at least from me. I rather doubt any of these people writing on this, have had the love and experience in the weather and using climate as I have. Let me again separate what you see in articles like this from honest scientists who believe what they believe and have every right to, and also tell me I am wrong until such time the rise of co2 and temperature is no longer occurring. I simply believe they are too focused on one thing, and simply cancel out the myriad of natural factors that supply a large part of the answer. That is an honest attribution debate, but should not be turned into a political agenda by those wishing to change or save the world due to a motive having nothing to do with actual scientific debate and methodology.

So here we go, feast your eyes on this headline: