Author Topic: FAIR: Mayorkas Failing to Live Up to His Oath of Office: “I Pledge to Defend and Secure Our Country  (Read 83 times)

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FAIR: Mayorkas Failing to Live Up to His Oath of Office: “I Pledge to Defend and Secure Our Country”
Nation Needs DHS Secretary Who Will Fix, Not Facilitate Border Crisis

(May 19, 2021, Washington, D.C.) — Alejandro Mayorkas took an oath to defend and secure our country when he was sworn in as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on February 2. In the past three and half months, he has failed to live up to that commitment and has instead presided over a reckless abandonment of border security and immigration enforcement, charged the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The path forward is clear – it is time for him to go.
“Secretary Mayorkas serves at the pleasure of the president who appointed him and was clearly chosen to lead DHS because he shares the same objective of countless individuals within the White House and Democratic Party – a borderless nation and virtually no enforcement of immigration laws,” stated Dan Stein, president of FAIR. “But ultimately, he works for the American people. He swore to do all that is reasonably within his power to safeguard the homeland and that duty must come first.
“Despite his use of lofty rhetoric to justify his actions, in fact, the policies that Mayorkas has either rescinded or implemented are strengthening criminal cartels that smuggle and traffic human beings, endanger the lives of women and children, and further destabilize governments in our region. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei have both publicly rebuked the Biden administration for policies that enrich and embolden criminal cartels. In essence, Secretary Mayorkas sanctioned the abuse of our immigration system, becoming a cartel co-conspirator responsible for the largest alien and child smuggling operation in U.S. history. In every respect, Mayorkas has failed in his obligation to secure the nation while undermining the values of our country,” Stein continued. “It is time for him to go.”