Author Topic: Tom Cotton Shreds Military's Woke New Direction, Says It's Just What Foreign Intel Services Want to  (Read 113 times)

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Tom Cotton Shreds Military's Woke New Direction, Says It's Just What Foreign Intel Services Want to See
Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal By Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal
Published May 23, 2021 at 9:42am

It wasn’t too long ago that most Americans had no idea what critical race theory was. At least I didn’t.

Now, the term is everywhere. It is the idea that American racism has shaped every institution and norm in our lives. White people are the oppressors and have led lives of privilege and people of color are the oppressed who have always operated from a point of disadvantage in America. Suddenly this ideology is finding its way into every aspect of our lives.

It is divisive and destructive, but nowhere is it more dangerous than in the military.