General Category > Elections 2020

Sidney Powell Posts New Evidence Of Election Fraud In Ga.

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Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: GrouchoTex on May 25, 2021, 11:58:45 am ---I think going on about Venezuela and German servers didn't help, along with some of the pizza-gate things thrown in for good measure.
Focus on the actual irregularities at hand, like they are doing now in Arizona, New Hampshire, and Georgia, and they might have had a better shot.
Going too broad on the scope of things just muddied the waters.
I think Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin will still have their moments, as times go by.

In the end, what her and Lin Wood said could come out to be true, but it went from very real possibility of voting misconduct and irregularities to global conspiracy, going in 0 to 60 mph in a matter of seconds.

Average people who aren't political junkies didn't want to believe all of it, but they could believe some of it, if presented properly.

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FWIW, even political junkies don't want to believe all of it that has been revealed, and I'd bet that the truth is far more damning than even that.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on May 25, 2021, 11:25:45 am ---I actually believe that she failed to anticipate just how pervasive the tendrils of the Swamp are, that she believed that others in the profession, especially highly placed jurists in the various States and SCOTUS would conduct themselves honorably and with the full love and devotion to the Law that is expected of any decent attorney.

I am afraid she has been bitterly disappointed, and am glad to see she is keeping up the fight. I hope she is more guarded in her expectations in the future. As the rest of us know, NOTHING in the courts is a slam dunk, regardless of the evidence. It doesn't matter it isn't evidence if no one will even look at it.

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Yes, I think that's an apt characterization of things.


--- Quote from: GrouchoTex on May 25, 2021, 11:58:45 am ---I think going on about Venezuela and German servers didn't help, along with some of the pizza-gate things thrown in for good measure.
Focus on the actual irregularities at hand, like they are doing now in Arizona, New Hampshire, and Georgia, and they might have had a better shot.
Going too broad on the scope of things just muddied the waters.
I think Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin will still have their moments, as times go by.

In the end, what her and Lin Wood said could come out to be true, but it went from very real possibility of voting misconduct and irregularities to global conspiracy, going in 0 to 60 mph in a matter of seconds.

Average people who aren't political junkies didn't want to believe all of it, but they could believe some of it, if presented properly.

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The server thing is one of the things that made me question their claims. All the major cloud providers have geo-diversity in their data centers. If something takes down the eastern US internet backbones, having redundancy in Europe can be an important thing. And if you have a service that is used by European customers, they'll be much happier if they get the speedy, low-latenct access from a more nearby data center than if every request has to go off to a server overseas.

A back-end for some state's election machines could easily be hosted on a cloud provider, and this geo redundancy could easily have been going on w/o any nefarious reasons. Should it be? Maybe not, but it could easily have been an unintentional consequence of a company that provides voting machines and related service internationally. To immediately conflate this into some grand scheme to tamper with votes overseas is foolish.

It will be interesting to go back and see how much of the more ridiculous claims were fueled by NewsMax, especially considering that it is run by a hard-core leftist.


--- Quote from: Hoodat on May 25, 2021, 04:56:32 pm ---It will be interesting to go back and see how much of the more ridiculous claims were fueled by NewsMax, especially considering that it is run by a hard-core leftist.

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Christopher Ruddy?

Chris Ruddy and Newsmax went all-in on Trump. Now they might pay a price for it.


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